Adobe AD0-E123 Adobe Experience Manager Sites Developer Professional Exam Practice Test

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Total 50 questions
Question 1

What would be the packageType for immutable code packages in Maven project structure?

Answer : C

In Maven for AEM, application is the packageType that is typically used for immutable code packages. These are packages that contain code that is not expected to change between deployments, such as OSGi bundles and certain content packages that do not contain user-editable content. This type of package is intended to be deployed to an AEM instance as part of the application's codebase, and the application packageType signifies this use case.

container is not a standard package type in AEM Maven project structures.

content is typically used for packages that contain mutable content, such as pages and configurations that can be edited by authors.

Question 2

A developer wants to render Hello World' only in edit mode. Which approach would be used?

Answer : B

In AEM, the Sightly/HTL scripting language is used to develop robust and secure components. To render content conditionally based on the WCM (Web Content Management) mode, the wcmmode object is used. The correct property to check if the current mode is edit is wcmmode.edit. The HTL syntax for testing a condition is data-sly-test followed by the condition in ${}. The option B correctly uses this syntax to test if the WCM mode is edit, and if so, renders 'Hello World'.

Option A uses wcm.edit which is not the correct object property.

Option C uses wcmmode editor which is not the correct property and the syntax has a typo (should be data-sly-test).

Question 3

A developer needs to use AEM Core Components in production mode (without sample content). The developer would like to do this without needing to download and install the core components before using them.

Which AEM version would the developer use?

Answer : C

AEM as a Cloud Service includes the latest AEM features out-of-the-box, including AEM Core Components, which are production-ready without the need for additional downloads or installations of sample content. This version of AEM has a continuous delivery model, ensuring that the most up-to-date features and components are readily available.

Option A, Version 6.3, is incorrect because this version would require the manual download and installation of core components.

Option B, Adobe Managed Services, is not a version of AEM, but rather a hosting option that could include various versions of AEM.

Question 4

While configuring a Content Fragment Component, the author has selected 'Display Mode' as 'Single Text Element'. This enables the selection of one multiline text element and enables paragraph control options.

Which two properties will now determine the resulting action? (Choose two.)

Answer : C, D

When the 'Display Mode' is set to 'Single Text Element' in the configuration of a Content Fragment Component in AEM, the properties that will determine the resulting action are related to how the text is displayed and managed in terms of paragraphs.

C) Paragraph Range --- This property would determine the range of paragraphs to display from the multiline text element.

D) Paragraph Scope --- This property would define the scope of the paragraph, such as whether all paragraphs are included or just a specific subset.

Options A (Paragraph Description) and B (Paragraph Heading) are not directly related to the action of displaying a single text element with paragraph control.

Question 5

A developer has created a custom workflow model which includes a JAVA-based custom process step. During the creation of this custom process step, some data has been saved in metadata programmatically for subsequent workflow steps.

Which code snippet can be used to save this metadata in JAVA code7

Answer : C

When working with custom workflow steps in AEM, metadata associated with the workflow session can be programmatically accessed and manipulated. The MetaDataMap object serves as a container for this data. The correct way to access and modify this metadata in Java would be:

Option C, MetaDataMap wfd = WorkItem.getWorkflow().getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap(); wfd.put('mykey', 'My Step Value'); This snippet correctly retrieves the MetaDataMap from the WorkflowData of the current Workflow session. It then uses the put method to store a new key-value pair, where 'mykey' is the key and 'My Step Value' is the value to be saved.

Options A and B do not properly chain the method calls to access the MetaDataMap associated with the current workflow session and are therefore incorrect.

Question 6

A developer needs to extend a complete dialog from the core component, except for one tab.

Which property can be used to achieve this goal?

Answer : C

In AEM, when you need to extend a dialog from a core component but want to hide or exclude one tab or part of the dialog, you can use the sling:hideResource property. This property allows you to selectively hide resources (like a tab in a dialog) inherited from a super type (the core component) in your overlay or custom component.

Question 7

Which two configurations will be applied if an instance starts with the run modes author, dev, and emea7 (Choose two.)

Answer : B, D

When an AEM instance starts with specified run modes, it selects configurations from the repository that match those run modes. Run modes allow for flexible management of settings and configurations across different environments. For the instance started with 'author', 'dev', and 'emea' run modes, it would apply configurations from paths that match these run modes.

Option B, /config/, is correct. This path matches all three run modes specified and would, therefore, be included.

Option D, /apps/mysite/, is also correct. This path matches the run modes and would be applied to the instance as well.

Options A and C do not match all three run modes and therefore would not be applied.

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