Amazon AXS-C01 AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty Exam Practice Test

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Total 69 questions
Question 1

An Alexa Skill Builder has created a taxi hiring skill. The skill needs to find out when the customer wants a taxi, where the customer is traveling from, and where the customer wants to go. The Builder is currently asking each question individually, in the following order:

''Where do you want to take a taxi from''

''Where do you want to take a taxi to''

''When do you need a taxi''

To ensure the voice interaction is flexible, how should this information be gathered regardless of the order in which the user provides it?

Answer : D

Question 2

An Alexa Skill Builder made changes to an AWS Lambda function that is used as the endpoint for a skill. The

Builder discovers that the skill now returns an error when it is launched.

How can the Builder use the Lambda console to trigger the function and debug the code?

Question 3

An Alexa Skill Builder wants to implement in-skill purchasing to offer one-time purchases for access to

premium content. The Builder created an entitlement product and deployed it successfully using the ASK CLI tool. When testing the custom BuyInskillProductIntent in the developer console, the Builder receives the following error:

Sorry, this product is not available with your current language setting.

How can this error be fixed?

Question 4

An Amazon Alexa trip planner skill has several intents and slots. One of the intents is PlanMyTripIntent

and some of the slots are fromCity, toCity, departDate, and returnDate. The following is a sample


User: Ask plan my trip to start a new trip leaving from Seattle.

Alexa: You said you are leaving from Seattle, right?

User: Yes

Alexa: I've saved your trip. Do you want to create another trip?

User: Yes

What will be invoked upon the user's final ''Yes''?

Question 5

During testing of a new Amazon Alexa skill, the skill is repeatedly failing and invoking the function defined in the addErrorHandler method specified on the SkillBuilder object. Upon inspection of Amazon

CloudWatch Logs, the Alexa Skill Builder establishes that the failure is occurring whenever

AMAZON.HelpIntent is being received.

How should this error be corrected?

Answer : B

Question 6

An Alexa Skill Builder wants to add a short audio clip to a skill with SSML. The Builder records a 6-second audio clip using a high-end microphone and recording application and exports the file with a bitrate of 48 kbps. The file is then uploaded to a public Amazon S3 bucket.

The Builder then updates the SSML to return:

When testing the skill, Amazon Alexa responds with ''There was a problem with the requested skill's response'' every time.

How should the Builder resolve this error?

Answer : B

Question 7

An Alexa Skill Builder is developing a complex skill to help users purchase items. The Builder has implemented the default AMAZON.HelpIntent, but when users ask for help they always reach the same unhelpful result.

How should the Builder enhance the experience to guide the users toward the end goal?

Answer : A

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Total 69 questions