CIW 1D0-735 CIW JavaScript Specialist Exam Practice Test

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Total 55 questions
Question 1

Which of the following is not a best practice when using JavaScript libraries?

Answer : A

Question 2

Consider the following code:

What does line 9 do?

Answer : B

Question 3

Consider the following code:

What change if any needs to be made for a "Thank you" message to appear when the checkout page is loaded?

Answer : C

Question 4

Consider this source code:

Giam needs to write a script to access the first element in the source code. What code should he use?

Answer : C

Question 5

Kirken needs to write a script to construct custom objects that store user account information such as a username. password and e-mail address for a Web site. What should he add to the following code to set these properties?





Answer : C

Question 6

Loni needs to create a scriptable button in her Web form that does not submit the form but instead, calls a custom function What HTML code should she use?





Answer : C

Question 7

Consider the following code:

Which of the following is true based on the above code?

Answer : A

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Total 55 questions