Databricks Certified Data Analyst Associate Exam Practice Test

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Total 45 questions
Question 1

A data analysis team is working with the table_bronze SQL table as a source for one of its most complex projects. A stakeholder of the project notices that some of the downstream data is duplicative. The analysis team identifies table_bronze as the source of the duplication.

Which of the following queries can be used to deduplicate the data from table_bronze and write it to a new table table_silver?


CREATE TABLE table_silver AS


FROM table_bronze;


CREATE TABLE table_silver AS


FROM table_bronze;


CREATE TABLE table_silver AS


FROM table_bronze;


INSERT INTO TABLE table_silver

SELECT * FROM table_bronze;



SELECT * FROM table_bronze;

Question 2

A data engineer is working with a nested array column products in table transactions. They want to expand the table so each unique item in products for each row has its own row where the transaction_id column is duplicated as necessary.

They are using the following incomplete command:

Which of the following lines of code can they use to fill in the blank in the above code block so that it successfully completes the task?

Answer : B

Theexplodefunction is used to transform a DataFrame column of arrays or maps into multiple rows, duplicating the other column's values. In this context, it will be used to expand the nested array column products in the transactions table so that each unique item in products for each row has its own row and the transaction_id column is duplicated as necessary.Reference:Databricks Documentation

I also noticed that you sent me an image along with your message. The image shows a snippet of SQL code that is incomplete. It begins with ''SELECT'' indicating a query to retrieve data. ''transaction_id,'' suggests that transaction_id is one of the columns being selected. There are blanks indicated by underscores where certain parts of the SQL command should be, including what appears to be an alias for a column and part of the FROM clause. The query ends with ''FROM transactions;'' indicating data is being selected from a 'transactions' table.

If you are interested in learning more about Databricks Data Analyst Associate certification, you can check out the following resources:

Databricks Certified Data Analyst Associate: This is the official page for the certification exam, where you can find the exam guide, registration details, and preparation tips.

Data Analysis With Databricks SQL: This is a self-paced course that covers the topics and skills required for the certification exam. You can access it for free on Databricks Academy.

Tips for the Databricks Certified Data Analyst Associate Certification: This is a blog post that provides some useful advice and study tips for passing the certification exam.

Databricks Certified Data Analyst Associate Certification: This is another blog post that gives an overview of the certification exam and its benefits.

Question 3

A data analyst runs the following command:

INSERT INTO stakeholders.suppliers TABLE stakeholders.new_suppliers;

What is the result of running this command?

Answer : B

The commandINSERT INTO stakeholders.suppliers TABLE stakeholders.new_suppliersis not a valid syntax for inserting data into a table in Databricks SQL.According to the documentation12, the correct syntax for inserting data into a table is either:

INSERT { OVERWRITE | INTO } [ TABLE ] table_name [ PARTITION clause ] [ ( column_name [, ...] ) | BY NAME ] query

INSERT INTO [ TABLE ] table_name REPLACE WHERE predicate query

The command in the question is missing theOVERWRITEorINTOkeyword, and thequerypart that specifies the source of the data to be inserted. TheTABLEkeyword is optional and can be omitted. ThePARTITIONclause and the column list are also optional and depend on the table schema and the data source. Therefore, the command in the question will fail with a syntax error.

INSERT | Databricks on AWS

INSERT - Azure Databricks - Databricks SQL | Microsoft Learn

Question 4
Question 5

A data analyst has a managed table table_name in database database_name. They would now like to remove the table from the database and all of the data files associated with the table. The rest of the tables in the database must continue to exist.

Which of the following commands can the analyst use to complete the task without producing an error?

Question 6

A data engineering team has created a Structured Streaming pipeline that processes data in micro-batches and populates gold-level tables. The microbatches are triggered every minute.

A data analyst has created a dashboard based on this gold-level data. The project stakeholders want to see the results in the dashboard updated within one minute or less of new data becoming available within the gold-level tables.

Which of the following cautions should the data analyst share prior to setting up the dashboard to complete this task?

Answer : A

A Structured Streaming pipeline that processes data in micro-batches and populates gold-level tables every minute requires a high level of compute resources to handle the frequent data ingestion, processing, and writing. This could result in a significant cost for the organization, especially if the data volume and velocity are large. Therefore, the data analyst should share this caution with the project stakeholders before setting up the dashboard and evaluate the trade-offs between the desired refresh rate and the available budget. The other options are not valid cautions because:

B) The gold-level tables are assumed to be appropriately clean for business reporting, as they are the final output of the data engineering pipeline. If the data quality is not satisfactory, the issue should be addressed at the source or silver level, not at the gold level.

C) The streaming data is an appropriate data source for a dashboard, as it can provide near real-time insights and analytics for the business users. Structured Streaming supports various sources and sinks for streaming data, including Delta Lake, which can enable both batch and streaming queries on the same data.

D) The streaming cluster is fault tolerant, as Structured Streaming provides end-to-end exactly-once fault-tolerance guarantees through checkpointing and write-ahead logs. If a query fails, it can be restarted from the last checkpoint and resume processing.

E) The dashboard can be refreshed within one minute or less of new data becoming available in the gold-level tables, as Structured Streaming can trigger micro-batches as fast as possible (every few seconds) and update the results incrementally. However, this may not be necessary or optimal for the business use case, as it could cause frequent changes in the dashboard and consume more resources.Reference:Streaming on Databricks,Monitoring Structured Streaming queries on Databricks,A look at the new Structured Streaming UI in Apache Spark 3.0,Run your first Structured Streaming workload

Question 7
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