Eccouncil 312-50 Certified Ethical Hacker v12 Exam Practice Test

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Total 573 questions
Question 1

You are an ethical hacker contracted to conduct a security audit for a company. During the audit, you discover that the company's wireless network is using WEP encryption. You understand the vulnerabilities associated with WEP and plan to recommend a more secure encryption method. Which of the following would you recommend as a Suitable replacement to enhance the security of the company's wireless network?

Answer : B

WEP encryption is an outdated and insecure method of protecting wireless networks from unauthorized access and eavesdropping.WEP uses a static key that can be easily cracked by various tools and techniques, such as capturing the initialization vectors, brute-forcing the key, or exploiting the weak key scheduling algorithm1. Therefore, you should recommend a more secure encryption method to enhance the security of the company's wireless network.

One of the most suitable replacements for WEP encryption is WPA2-PSK with AES encryption. WPA2 stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access 2, which is a security standard that improves upon the previous WPA standard. WPA2 uses a robust encryption algorithm called AES, which stands for Advanced Encryption Standard.AES is a block cipher that uses a 128-bit key and is considered to be very secure and resistant to attacks2.

WPA2-PSK stands for WPA2 Pre-Shared Key, which is a mode of WPA2 that uses a passphrase or a password to generate the encryption key. The passphrase or password must be entered by the users who want to connect to the wireless network. The key is then derived from the passphrase or password using a function called PBKDF2, which stands for Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2.PBKDF2 adds a salt and a number of iterations to the passphrase or password to make it harder to crack3.

WPA2-PSK with AES encryption offers several advantages over WEP encryption, such as:

It uses a dynamic key that changes with each session, instead of a static key that remains the same.

It uses a stronger encryption algorithm that is more difficult to break, instead of a weaker encryption algorithm that is more vulnerable to attacks.

It uses a longer key that provides more security, instead of a shorter key that provides less security.

It uses a more secure key derivation function that adds complexity and randomness, instead of a simple key generation function that is predictable and flawed.

Therefore, you should recommend WPA2-PSK with AES encryption as a suitable replacement to enhance the security of the company's wireless network.

Wireless Security - Encryption - Online Tutorials Library

WiFi Security: WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3 And Their Differences - NetSpot

WPA2-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 Pre-Shared Key)

Question 2

As a cybersecurity analyst for SecureNet, you are performing a security assessment of a new mobile payment application. One of your primary concerns is the secure storage of customer data on the device. The application

stores sensitive information such as credit card details and personal identification numbers (PINs) on the device. Which of the following measures would best ensure the security of this data?

Answer : B

Encrypting all sensitive data stored on the device is the best measure to ensure the security of this data, because it protects the data from unauthorized access or disclosure, even if the device is lost, stolen, or compromised. Encryption is a process of transforming data into an unreadable format using a secret key or algorithm. Only authorized parties who have the correct key or algorithm can decrypt and access the data. Encryption can be applied to data at rest, such as files or databases, or data in transit, such as network traffic or messages. Encryption can prevent attackers from stealing or tampering with the customer data stored on the device, such as credit card details and PINs, which can cause financial or identity fraud.

The other options are not as effective or sufficient as encryption for securing the customer data stored on the device. Implementing biometric authentication for app access may provide an additional layer of security, but it does not protect the data from being accessed by other means, such as malware, physical access, or backup extraction. Enabling GPS tracking for all devices using the app may help locate the device in case of loss or theft, but it does not prevent the data from being accessed by unauthorized parties, and it may also pose privacy risks. Regularly updating the app to the latest version may help fix bugs or vulnerabilities, but it does not guarantee the security of the data, especially if the app does not use encryption or other security features. Reference:

Securely Storing Data |

Data Storage Security: 5 Best Practices to Secure Your Data

M9: Insecure Data Storage | OWASP Foundation

Question 3

As a cybersecurity professional, you are responsible for securing a high-traffic web application that uses MySQL as its backend database. Recently, there has been a surge of unauthorized login attempts, and you suspect that a seasoned black-hat hacker is behind them. This hacker has shown proficiency in SQL Injection and

appears to be using the 'UNION' SQL keyword to trick the login process into returning additional data.

However, your application's security measures include filtering special characters in user inputs, a method usually effective against such attacks. In this challenging environment, if the hacker still intends to exploit this SQL Injection vulnerability, which strategy is he most likely to employ?

Answer : D

SQL Injection is a type of attack that exploits a vulnerability in a web application that uses a SQL database. The attacker injects malicious SQL code into the user input, such as a login form, that is then executed by the database server. This can allow the attacker to access, modify, or delete data, or execute commands on the database server.

The 'UNION' SQL keyword is often used in SQL Injection attacks to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set. This can allow the attacker to retrieve additional data from other tables or columns that are not intended to be displayed by the application. For example, if the application uses the following query to check the user credentials:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'

The attacker can inject a 'UNION' statement to append another query, such as:

' OR 1 = 1 UNION SELECT * FROM credit_cards --

This will result in the following query being executed by the database server:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR 1 = 1 UNION SELECT * FROM credit_cards --' AND password = '$password'

The first part of the query will always return true, and the second part of the query will return the data from the credit_cards table. The '--' symbol is a comment that will ignore the rest of the query. The attacker can then see the credit card information in the application's response.

However, some web applications implement security measures to prevent SQL Injection attacks, such as filtering special characters in user inputs. Special characters are symbols that have a special meaning in SQL, such as quotes, semicolons, dashes, etc. By filtering or escaping these characters, the application can prevent the attacker from injecting malicious SQL code. For example, if the application replaces single quotes with two single quotes, the previous injection attempt will fail, as the query will become:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '''' OR 1 = 1 UNION SELECT * FROM credit_cards --'' AND password = '$password'

This will result in a syntax error, as the query is not valid SQL.

In this challenging environment, if the hacker still intends to exploit this SQL Injection vulnerability, the strategy that he is most likely to employ is to bypass the special character filter by encoding his malicious input. Encoding is a process of transforming data into a different format, such as hexadecimal, base64, URL, etc. By encoding his input, the hacker can avoid the filter and still inject malicious SQL code. For example, if the hacker encodes his input using URL encoding, the previous injection attempt will become:


This will result in the following query being executed by the database server, after the application decodes the input:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR 1 = 1 UNION SELECT * FROM credit_cards --' AND password = '$password'

This will succeed in returning the credit card information, as the filter will not detect the special characters in the encoded input.

Therefore, the hacker is most likely to employ the strategy of bypassing the special character filter by encoding his malicious input, which could potentially enable him to successfully inject damaging SQL queries.

SQL Injection | OWASP Foundation

SQL Injection Union Attacks

SQL Injection Bypassing WAF

Question 4

A well-resourced attacker intends to launch a highly disruptive DDoS attack against a major online retailer. The attacker aims to exhaust all the network resources while keeping their identity concealed. Their method should be resistant to simple defensive measures such as IP-based blocking. Based on these objectives, which of the following attack strategies would be most effective?

Answer : A

A Pulse Wave attack is a type of DDoS attack that uses a botnet to send high-volume traffic pulses at regular intervals, typically lasting for a few minutes each. The attacker can adjust the frequency and duration of the pulses to maximize the impact and evade detection. A Pulse Wave attack can exhaust the network resources of the target, as well as the resources of any DDoS mitigation service that the target may use. A Pulse Wave attack can also conceal the attacker's identity, as the traffic originates from multiple sources that are part of the botnet. A Pulse Wave attack can bypass simple defensive measures, such as IP-based blocking, as the traffic can appear legitimate and vary in source IP addresses.

The other options are less effective or feasible for the attacker's objectives. A protocol-based SYN flood attack is a type of DDoS attack that exploits the TCP handshake process by sending a large number of SYN requests to the target server, without completing the connection. This consumes the connection state tables on the server, preventing it from accepting new connections. However, a SYN flood attack can be easily detected and mitigated by using SYN cookies or firewalls. A SYN flood attack can also expose the attacker's identity, as the source IP addresses of the SYN requests can be traced back to the attacker. An ICMP flood attack is a type of DDoS attack that sends a large number of ICMP packets, such as ping requests, to the target server, overwhelming its ICMP processing capacity. However, an ICMP flood attack from a single IP can be easily blocked by using IP-based filtering or disabling ICMP responses. An ICMP flood attack can also reveal the attacker's identity, as the source IP address of the ICMP packets can be identified. A volumetric flood attack is a type of DDoS attack that sends a large amount of traffic to the target server, saturating its network bandwidth and preventing legitimate users from accessing it. However, a volumetric flood attack using a single compromised machine may not be sufficient to overwhelm the network bandwidth of a major online retailer, as the attacker's machine may have limited bandwidth itself. A volumetric flood attack can also be detected and mitigated by using traffic shaping or rate limiting techniques.Reference:

Pulse Wave DDoS Attacks: What You Need to Know

DDoS Attack Prevention: 7 Effective Mitigation Strategies

DDoS Attack Types: Glossary of Terms

DDoS Attacks: What They Are and How to Protect Yourself

DDoS Attack Prevention: How to Protect Your Website

Question 5

Jake, a network security specialist, is trying to prevent network-level session hijacking attacks in his company.

While studying different types of such attacks, he learns about a technique where an attacker inserts their machine into the communication between a client and a server, making it seem like the packets are flowing through the original path. This technique is primarily used to reroute the packets. Which of the following types of network-level session hijacking attacks is Jake studying?

Answer : B

A man-in-the-middle attack using forged ICMP and ARP spoofing is a type of network-level session hijacking attack where an attacker inserts their machine into the communication between a client and a server, making it seem like the packets are flowing through the original path. This technique is primarily used to reroute the packets and intercept or modify the data exchanged between the client and the server.

A man-in-the-middle attack using forged ICMP and ARP spoofing works as follows1:

The attacker sends a forged ICMP redirect message to the client, claiming to be the gateway. The ICMP redirect message tells the client to use the attacker's machine as the next hop for reaching the server's network. The client updates its routing table accordingly and starts sending packets to the attacker's machine instead of the gateway.

The attacker also sends a forged ARP reply message to the client, claiming to be the server. The ARP reply message associates the attacker's MAC address with the server's IP address. The client updates its ARP cache accordingly and starts sending packets to the attacker's MAC address instead of the server's MAC address.

The attacker receives the packets from the client and forwards them to the server, acting as a relay. The attacker can also monitor, modify, or drop the packets as they wish. The server responds to the packets and sends them back to the attacker, who then forwards them to the client. The client and the server are unaware of the attacker's presence and think they are communicating directly with each other.

Therefore, Jake is studying a man-in-the-middle attack using forged ICMP and ARP spoofing, which is a type of network-level session hijacking attack.

Network or TCP Session Hijacking | Ethical Hacking - GreyCampus

Question 6

An audacious attacker is targeting a web server you oversee. He intends to perform a Slow HTTP POST attack, by manipulating 'a' HTTP connection. Each connection sends a byte of data every 'b' second, effectively holding up the connections for an extended period. Your server is designed to manage 'm' connections per second, but any connections exceeding this number tend to overwhelm the system. Given 'a=100' and variable 'm', along with the attacker's intention of maximizing the attack duration 'D=a*b', consider the following scenarios. Which is most likely to result in the longest duration of server unavailability?

Answer : B

A Slow HTTP POST attack is a type of denial-of-service (DoS) attack that exploits the way web servers handle HTTP requests. The attacker sends a legitimate HTTP POST header to the web server, specifying a large amount of data to be sent in the request body. However, the attacker then sends the data very slowly, keeping the connection open and occupying the server's resources. The attacker can launch multiple such connections, exceeding the server's capacity to handle concurrent requests and preventing legitimate users from accessing the web server.

The attack duration D is given by the formula D = a * b, where a is the number of connections and b is the hold-up time per connection. The attacker intends to maximize D by manipulating a and b. The server can manage m connections per second, but any connections exceeding m will overwhelm the system. Therefore, the scenario that is most likely to result in the longest duration of server unavailability is the one where a > m and b is the largest. Among the four options, this is the case for option B, where a = 100, m = 90, and b = 15. In this scenario, D = 100 * 15 = 1500 seconds, which is the longest among the four options. Option A has a larger b, but a < m, so the server can handle the connections without being overwhelmed. Option C has a > m, but a smaller b, so the attack duration is shorter. Option D has a > m, but a smaller b and a smaller difference between a and m, so the attack duration is also shorter. Reference:

What is a Slow POST Attack & How to Prevent One? (Guide)

Mitigate Slow HTTP GET/POST Vulnerabilities in the Apache HTTP Server - Acunetix

What is a Slow Post DDoS Attack? | NETSCOUT

Question 7

As a cybersecurity consultant for SafePath Corp, you have been tasked with implementing a system for secure email communication. The key requirement is to ensure both confidentiality and non-repudiation. While considering various encryption methods, you are inclined towards using a combination of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. However, you are unsure which cryptographic technique would best serve the purpose. Which of the following options would you choose to meet these requirements?

Answer : D

To ensure both confidentiality and non-repudiation for secure email communication, you need to use a combination of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. Symmetric encryption is a method of encrypting and decrypting data using the same secret key, which is faster and more efficient than asymmetric encryption. Asymmetric encryption is a method of encrypting and decrypting data using a pair of keys: a public key and a private key, which are mathematically related but not identical. Asymmetric encryption can provide authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation, as well as key distribution.

The cryptographic technique that would best serve the purpose is to apply asymmetric encryption with RSA and use the private key for signing. RSA is a widely used algorithm for asymmetric encryption, which is based on the difficulty of factoring large numbers. RSA can be used to encrypt data, as well as to generate digital signatures, which are a way of proving the identity and authenticity of the sender and the integrity of the message.

The steps to implement this technique are as follows1:

Generate a pair of keys for each user: a public key and a private key. The public key can be shared with anyone, while the private key must be kept secret and protected by the user.

When a user wants to send an email to another user, they first encrypt the email content with a symmetric key, such as AES, which is a strong and efficient algorithm for symmetric encryption. The symmetric key is then encrypted with the recipient's public key, using RSA. The encrypted email and the encrypted symmetric key are then sent to the recipient.

The sender also generates a digital signature for the email, using their private key and a hash function, such as SHA-256, which is a secure and widely used algorithm for generating hashes. A hash function is a mathematical function that takes any input and produces a fixed-length output, called a hash or a digest, that uniquely represents the input. A digital signature is a hash of the email that is encrypted with the sender's private key, using RSA. The digital signature is then attached to the email and sent to the recipient.

When the recipient receives the email, they first decrypt the symmetric key with their private key, using RSA. They then use the symmetric key to decrypt the email content, using AES. They also verify the digital signature by decrypting it with the sender's public key, using RSA, and comparing the resulting hash with the hash of the email, using the same hash function. If the hashes match, it means that the email is authentic and has not been tampered with.

Using this technique, the email communication is secure because:

The confidentiality of the email content is ensured by the symmetric encryption with AES, which is hard to break without knowing the symmetric key.

The symmetric key is also protected by the asymmetric encryption with RSA, which is hard to break without knowing the recipient's private key.

The non-repudiation of the email is ensured by the digital signature with RSA, which is hard to forge without knowing the sender's private key.

The digital signature also provides authentication and integrity of the email, as it proves that the email was sent by the sender and has not been altered in transit.

How to Encrypt Email (Gmail, Outlook, iOS, Yahoo, Android, AOL)

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