Google Professional Cloud Developer Exam Practice Test

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Total 254 questions
Question 1

You are a lead developer working on a new retail system that runs on Cloud Run and Firestore. A web UI requirement is for the user to be able to browse through alt products. A few months after go-live, you notice that Cloud Run instances are terminated with HTTP 500: Container instances are exceeding memory limits errors during busy times

This error coincides with spikes in the number of Firestore queries

You need to prevent Cloud Run from crashing and decrease the number of Firestore queries. You want to use a solution that optimizes system performance What should you do?

Answer : B

Question 2

You are developing an event-driven application. You have created a topic to receive messages sent to Pub/Sub. You want those messages to be processed in real time. You need the application to be independent from any other system and only incur compute costs when new messages arrive. You want to configure the simplest and most efficient architecture What should you do?

Question 3

You are deploying a Python application to Cloud Run using Cloud Build. The Cloud Build pipeline is shown below:

You want to optimize deployment times and avoid unnecessary steps What should you do?

Question 4

You have an ecommerce application hosted in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) that receives external requests and forwards them to third-party APIs external to Google Cloud. The third-party APIs are responsible for credit card processing, shipping, and inventory management using the process shown in the diagram.

Your customers are reporting that the ecommerce application is running slowly at unpredictable times. The application doesn't report any metrics You need to determine the cause of the inconsistent performance What should you do?

Answer : B

Question 5

You work for a financial services company that has a container-first approach. Your team develops microservices applications You have a Cloud Build pipeline that creates a container image, runs regression tests, and publishes the image to Artifact Registry You need to ensure that only containers that have passed the regression tests are deployed to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters You have already enabled Binary Authorization on the GKE clusters What should you do next?

Answer : C

Question 6

Your team has created an application that is hosted on a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster You need to connect the application to a legacy REST service that is deployed in two GKE clusters in two different regions. You want to connect your application to the legacy service in a way that is resilient and requires the fewest number of steps You also want to be able to run probe-based health checks on the legacy service on a separate port How should you set up the connection?

Answer : A, C

A) Using Traffic Director with a sidecar proxy can provide resilience for your application by allowing for failover to the secondary region in the event of an outage. The sidecar proxy can route traffic to the legacy service in either of the two GKE clusters, ensuring high availability. C. Configuring the legacy service's firewall to allow health checks originating from the proxy allows the proxy to periodically check the health of the legacy service and ensure that it is functioning properly. This helps to ensure that traffic is only routed to healthy instances of the legacy service, further improving the resilience of the setup.

Question 7

You are developing a new web application using Cloud Run and committing code to Cloud Source Repositories. You want to deploy new code in the most efficient way possible. You have already created a Cloud Build YAML file that builds a container and runs the following command: gcloud run deploy. What should you do next?

Answer : B

Cloud Build uses build triggers to enable CI/CD automation. You can configure triggers to listen for incoming events, such as when a new commit is pushed to a repository or when a pull request is initiated, and then automatically execute a build when new events come in. You can also configure triggers to build code on any changes to your source repository or only on changes that match certain criteria.

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Total 254 questions