IAPP Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) Exam Practice Test

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Total 180 questions
Question 1

Which of the following is NOT a type of privacy program metric?

Answer : C

Types of privacy program metrics include business enablement metrics, data enhancement metrics, and commercial metrics. Business enablement metrics measure the effectiveness of the privacy program in enabling the business to function without compromising privacy. Data enhancement metrics measure the effectiveness of the privacy program in enhancing data protection, such as through data minimization, access controls, and data security. Commercial metrics measure the effectiveness of the privacy program in creating value, such as through the development of new products, services, and customer experiences.

Privacy program metrics are used to assess the effectiveness of a privacy program and measure its progress. These metrics can include business enablement metrics, data enhancement metrics, and commercial metrics. Value creation metrics, however, are not typically used as privacy program metrics.

Question 2

You would like to better understand how your organization can demonstrate compliance with international privacy standards and identify gaps for remediation. What steps could you take to achieve this objective?

Answer : D

Engaging a third-party to conduct an audit is the best way to ensure that your organization is compliant with international privacy standards and identify any gaps that need to be remediated. An audit should include a review of your organization's data processing activities, as well as its policies, procedures, and internal controls. Additionally, it should include an analysis of the applicable privacy laws and regulations. This audit will provide you with an objective third-party assessment of your organization's compliance with international privacy standards and identify any areas of non-compliance that need to be addressed

Question 3

Which of the following is NOT recommended for effective Identity Access Management?

Answer : A

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a process that helps organizations secure their systems and data by controlling who has access to them and what they can do with that access. Effective IAM includes a number of best practices, such as:

Unique user IDs: Each user should have a unique ID that is used to identify them across all systems and applications.

Credentials: Users should be required to provide authentication credentials, such as a password or biometric data, in order to access systems and data.

User responsibility: Users should be made aware of their responsibilities when it comes to security, such as the need to keep their passwords secret and the importance of reporting suspicious activity.

Demographics refers to the statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, income, etc. While demographic data may be collected and used for various purposes, it is not a recommended practice for effective IAM. Demographic data is not a reliable method of identification or authentication, and it is not used to provide access to systems and data.




Question 4

If done correctly, how can a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) create a win/win scenario for organizations and individuals?

Answer : D

A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is a process that organizations use to evaluate the potential risks associated with a specific data processing activity, and to identify and implement measures to mitigate those risks. By conducting a DPIA, organizations can proactively identify and address potential privacy concerns before they become a problem, and ensure compliance with data protection laws and regulations.

When organizations are transparent about their data processing activities and the risks associated with them, individuals are better informed about how their personal data is being used and can make more informed decisions about whether or not to provide their personal data. This creates a win/win scenario for organizations and individuals, as organizations are able to continue processing personal data in a compliant and transparent manner, while individuals are able to trust that their personal data is being used responsibly.

Additionally, by engaging with individuals in the DPIA process and soliciting their feedback, organizations can better understand the potential impact of their data processing activities on individuals and take steps to mitigate any negative impacts.

-https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/data-protection-impact-assessment-dpia-guidelines_en -https://gdpr-info.eu/art-35-gdpr/

Question 5

Which of the following is NOT a type of privacy program metric?

Answer : B

Data enhancement metrics are not a type of privacy program metric because they do not measure the performance, value, or risk of the privacy program. Data enhancement metrics are related to the quality, accuracy, and completeness of the data collected and processed by the organization, which are not directly linked to the privacy program objectives.Reference:CIPM Body of Knowledge, Domain II: Privacy Program Governance, Section B: Establishing a Privacy Program Framework, Subsection 2: Privacy Program Metrics.

Question 6
Question 7

There are different forms of monitoring available for organizations to consider when aligning with their privacy program goals.

Which of the following forms of monitoring is best described as 'auditing'?

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Total 180 questions