IBM C9510-401 IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile Exam Practice Test

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Total 73 questions
Question 1

After installing an enhanced EAR in a WebSphere Application Server environment, a system administrator with Configurator privileges is able to see a JDBC provider and a data source in the Integrated Solution Console (ISC) but is not able to delete these resources.

How can the administrator resolve this issue?

Answer : A

The JDBCProviderManagement command group for the AdminTask object includes the following commands:


Question 2

The administrator needs to identify any security role references and security constraints in a web application.

How can the administrator identify these roles and constraints?

Answer : C

Securing web applications using an assembly tool.

You can use three types of web login authentication mechanisms to configure a web application: basic authentication, form-based authentication and client certificate-based authentication. Protect web resources in a web application by assigning security roles to those resources.


Question 3

A system administrator needs to configure a JDBC provider and a data source for an application in a clustered environment. The administrator also needs to copy the JDBC drivers from the database server to the application server machines.

How can the administrator meet these requirements?

Answer : A

Question 4

A system administrator ran the backupConfig command to backup the configuration using the --nostop option. The administrator changed the properties for the service integration environment by modifying the file. During testing the administrator noticed Service Integration Bus related errors and wanted to restore the service integration environment. The administrator used the restoreConfig command, but the tuning properties for the service integration environment were not restore.

How can the administrator prevent this issue?

Answer : A

With the repository checkpoint and restore function, you can back up copies of files from the master configuration repository. You can use the backups to restore the configuration to a previous state if future configuration changes cause operational problems. By using this function, you can reduce recovery time for problems that are caused by configuration changes. Studies of unplanned outages have shown that as much as 36 percent of unplanned outages are due to operator errors. A common source of operator error is a bad configuration change. The ability to quickly undo a bad configuration change is critical to minimizing the outage window.


Question 5

While coordinating a flexible management topology, the job manager can send commands to which components?

Answer : C

To manage multiple cells, register deployment managers with job manager directly

Use administrative agent to register base server profiles with a job manager

References:, page 10

Question 6

In a test environment, a system administrator has configured an external HTTP server in the DMZ that is routing to a cluster of application servers. The administrator wants to achieve higher performance when routing and prioritizing incoming requests to the back-end cluster.

How can the system administrator achieve this task?

Question 7

An organization updated their LDAP directories and modified user roles. The roles that were configured to have access to a highly secured enterprise application were deleted and new roles with new names were created. The application then had security related exceptions.

How can a system administrator resolve the exceptions and restore security for the application?

Answer : A

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Total 73 questions