ISTQB Agile Public Sector Exam Practice Test

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Total 40 questions
Question 1

Your agile team is using the Testing Quadrants to ensure that all important test levels and test types are covered in the test plan.

In relation to Quadrant 3 - business facing and product critique, what should be considered for the plan?


Answer : C

Exploratory Testing is aligned with Quadrant 3 of the Testing Quadrants, which emphasizes business-facing tests that critique the product. This quadrant focuses on testing aspects that cannot be fully planned in advance and require a more ad-hoc, investigative approach to uncover issues from a business or user perspective. Exploratory Testing involves simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution, making it suitable for assessing the usability, relevance, and overall value of the product to the business, aligning with the goals of Quadrant 3.

Question 2

You are working in a software development company which, for many years, used a sequential development model and was organized into separate departments for each functional group (e.g. business analysts, developers, testers) located within their own office space. Your organization has recently changed to a SCRUM agile framework. Which of the following is an important organizational and behavioral best practice for a tester in the SCRUM team that should have also been practiced when using the sequential model?


Answer : D

Cross-functional teamwork is a cornerstone of Agile methodologies, emphasizing the collaboration of team members with diverse expertise to enhance project outcomes. In Agile frameworks like Scrum, teams are encouraged to be self-organizing and multidisciplinary, with each member contributing to all project areas, including testing, regardless of their primary role. This approach promotes a shared responsibility for the project's success, fosters a deeper understanding of the project from multiple perspectives, and enhances the team's ability to respond to changes effectively. It aligns with Agile principles that advocate for the best architectures, requirements, and designs emerging from self-organizing teams, underscoring the value of collective ownership and collaboration in achieving project goals.

Question 3

Which of the following statements about a test charter are CORRECT?

i) It is used mainly in exploratory tests.

ii) It is used to monitor a test process.

iii) It may make reference to user stories.

iv) It contains notes taken during a test session.

v) It is used to outline the company test policy.


Answer : A

A test charter is primarily used in exploratory testing (i) to guide the test session with a clear mission or objective, which might be related to specific functionalities, user stories, or areas of the application, making reference to user stories (iii) plausible. It also contains notes taken during the test session (iv), which are crucial for documenting observations, anomalies, and insights gained during exploratory testing. This approach aligns with Agile's emphasis on individuals and interactions and responding to change, as exploratory testing is inherently adaptive and relies on the tester's skill, creativity, and intuition. It contrasts with more traditional, documentation-heavy approaches, emphasizing the value of working software and collaboration.

Question 4

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding early and frequent feedback?


Answer : C

Early and frequent feedback is fundamental in Agile methodologies to ensure the product meets customer needs and to identify and resolve issues promptly. However, the statement that early feedback decreases the time needed for system testing (Option C) is misleading. While early feedback helps in identifying and resolving issues at an early stage, it does not necessarily reduce the overall time required for system testing. System testing is a comprehensive phase that assesses the system's compliance with the specified requirements. Agile practices, such as continuous integration and testing, aim to maintain a high quality throughout the development process, but they do not eliminate the need for thorough system testing to validate the product before release.

Question 5

Consider an online application that allows registered users to pay the annual car tax based on the vehicle's engine power in kW. Given the following user story:

''As a customer I need the online application to calculate the annual car tax amount that I need to pay for my car":

- If the power of the vehicle is less than 20 kW, then the annual car tax is free

- If the power of the vehicle is more or equal than 20 kW but less or equal than 150 kW, then the annual car tax is 250 Euros

- If the power of the vehicle is more than 150 kW, then the annual car tax is 750 Euros"

What is the MOST suitable use of a black-box test design technique for this user story?


Answer : C

Question 6

Which statement about an Agile task board is CORRECT?


Answer : B

An Agile task board is a visual management tool used by Agile teams to track the progress of work items during an iteration or sprint. It typically includes columns for different stages of work (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done) and cards or sticky notes representing individual tasks or user stories. The task board provides a detailed visual representation of the whole team's status, allowing team members and stakeholders to quickly see what work is in progress, what has been completed, and what is yet to be started. This visibility supports transparency, one of the core values of Agile, and facilitates communication and collaboration within the team. The task board is updated regularly, often daily during stand-up meetings, to reflect the most current status of the work.

Question 7

Which of the following statements about the benefits of the Agile processes promoting early and frequent feedback is NOT true?


Answer : B

Option B is not true regarding the benefits of Agile processes promoting early and frequent feedback. The statement, 'Increasing the frequency of feedback and communication between all the stakeholders involved in Agile projects eliminates all communication problems,' overstates the capability of Agile methodologies. While Agile practices such as Scrum and Kanban emphasize continuous feedback and collaboration to improve project outcomes and adapt to changes, they do not claim to eliminate all communication problems.

Communication challenges can arise due to various factors, including but not limited to, differences in stakeholders' perspectives, misunderstandings, and external constraints. Agile methodologies aim to reduce the impact of these challenges by promoting transparency, regular interactions, and adaptive planning. Tools like daily stand-ups, retrospectives, and sprint reviews facilitate ongoing dialogue among team members and stakeholders, helping to identify and address issues promptly. However, these practices enhance communication effectiveness rather than eliminating all potential communication problems.

In contrast, options A, C, and D accurately reflect the principles and benefits of Agile methodologies. Early and frequent feedback helps in identifying and rectifying defects and misalignments with requirements more quickly (A), improves development processes through reflective practices like retrospectives (C), and ensures that the team prioritizes work that delivers the highest value to the customer (D).

Therefore, option B is the verified answer as it presents an unrealistic expectation of Agile processes' impact on communication challenges, contradicting the Agile Manifesto's acknowledgment of the complexity and collaborative nature of software development.

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Total 40 questions