Linux Foundation Hyperledger Fabric Certified Practitioner Exam Practice Test

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Total 60 questions
Question 1

What allows users to update channels, or invoke new Smart Contracts?

Answer : C

In Hyperledger Fabric, the peer CLI (Command Line Interface) tool is used to update channels or invoke new smart contracts. This utility allows users to perform various administrative tasks on the network, such as updating the ledger, changing endorsement policies, and managing chaincode installations and instantiations .

Question 2

What happens if the user submits a transaction with no matching function?

Answer : D

In Hyperledger Fabric, if a user submits a transaction with no matching function specified in the smart contract, the unknownTransaction function is invoked by default. This function serves as a catch-all method that can be used to handle cases where the transaction type is not recognized, providing a mechanism to manage or log these occurrences effectively .

Question 3

In Raft, there are two places for configuration. One is local configuration. What is the other?

Answer : B

In Raft, configuration occurs at two levels: local and channel. The local configuration pertains to node-specific settings such as TLS communication and file storage. The channel configuration, on the other hand, defines the membership and operational parameters of the Raft cluster for a specific channel, including settings like heartbeat frequency and leader timeouts. This dual-level configuration allows for precise control over the behavior of Raft nodes within the Hyperledger Fabric network .

Question 4

What is the only way to recover from a failed migration from Kafka to Raft?

Answer : B

Recovering from a failed migration from Kafka to Raft in Hyperledger Fabric involves restoring the state from a backup. This is necessary because once the ordering service is migrated to Raft and begins committing transactions, reverting to Kafka is not supported without a previous backup. If a migration is botched, and a backup was made at the appropriate point, administrators can roll back to this backup to restore the system to its pre-migration state .

Question 5

Which of the following statements describes Chaincode correctly?

Answer : B

Chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric is essentially smart contract software that defines assets and the transaction instructions for modifying these assets on the ledger. Chaincode functions as the business logic layer of the network, where the rules for interacting with the ledger are specified. It is executed on the network peers and is used to encode the policies and constraints associated with asset exchanges or updates within the business network. This setup allows organizations to automate processes and enforce consistency and compliance across transactions.

Question 6

In Hyperledger Fabric, what is used if end users of the application want to keep their private key secret?

In Hyperledger Fabric, what is used if end users of the application want to keep their private key secret?

Answer : A

In Hyperledger Fabric, if end users of the application want to keep their private key secret and secure, they would use offline signing. Offline signing involves signing transactions on a device or in an environment that is not connected to the network or the internet. This method ensures that the private key used for signing does not get exposed to the network and reduces the risk of compromise. Offline signing is especially important in scenarios where security and privacy are paramount, as it allows users to maintain control over their private keys at all times.

Question 7

How should private data collection be configured and deployed?

Answer : D

In Hyperledger Fabric, private data collections are configured using a separate JSON file that describes the details of the collection, such as the name, policy, and member organizations that have access to it. This configuration file is included during the chaincode deployment process. The collections configuration file defines how private data is managed, including its lifecycle, storage, and dissemination between authorized peers. By configuring private data collections in this manner, organizations ensure that sensitive information is only accessible to specific participants in the network, thus maintaining confidentiality and compliance with data governance standards.

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Total 60 questions