Microsoft MB-820 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer Exam Practice Test

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Total 56 questions
Question 1

A company uses Business Central.

The company plans to use a translation file in an extension. The extension has a caption that should not be translated.

You need to prevent the caption from being translated.

What should you do?

Answer : C

To prevent a caption from being translated in an extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you should add the Locked = true parameter to the Caption (C). This parameter explicitly marks the caption as locked for translation, ensuring that it remains unchanged across different language versions of the extension. This approach is useful for specific terms, brand names, or other elements within the application that should remain consistent regardless of the user's language settings. Unlike the other options, which involve manual manipulation of the translation file or properties, setting Locked = true directly in the AL code provides a clear, maintainable, and error-proof method to exclude specific captions from the translation process.

Question 2

You need to allow debugging in an extension to view the source code. In which file should you specify the value of the allowDebugging property?

Answer : C

To enable debugging in an extension and allow the source code to be viewed, the allowDebugging property should be specified in the app.json file (C). The app.json file serves as the manifest for an AL project in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, defining the project's properties, dependencies, and features. By setting the allowDebugging property to true in this file, developers enable the debugging of the extension's source code, facilitating troubleshooting and development. This is essential for analyzing the behavior of the extension and identifying issues during the development process.

Question 3

You are cleaning up sandbox environments for a company.

The company requires data to be cleared from the environments each time an extension is published.

You need to configure the launch.json file.

Which schemaUpdateMode property should you set?

Answer : D

In the context of cleaning up sandbox environments for a company where data needs to be cleared each time an extension is published, the schemaUpdateMode property in the launch.json file should be set to Recreate (D). Setting this property to Recreate ensures that every time the extension is published, the existing tables and data are dropped, and then the tables are recreated based on the current extension's schema. This mode is particularly useful in development and testing environments where you need a clean slate for testing each version of the extension without the remnants of previous data affecting the outcomes. It's important to use this setting cautiously, as it results in the loss of all existing data in the tables defined by the extension, which is suitable for a sandbox environment but not for production environments.

Question 4

You have a decimal variable named AmountlCY.

You need to round up the variable to four decimal places.

Which result value should you use?

Answer : B

To round up a decimal variable to four decimal places in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you should use the Round function with specific parameters. The correct formula is Result := Round(AmountLCY, 0.0001, '=') (B). This function rounds the AmountLCY variable to the nearest value based on the second parameter, which is 0.0001 in this case, representing four decimal places. The third parameter, '=', specifies that the function should round to the nearest value, which effectively rounds up the value when it's halfway between two possible rounded values. This approach ensures that the AmountLCY variable is accurately rounded to four decimal places, which is essential for financial calculations and reporting to maintain precision.

Question 5

A company has a task that is performed infrequently. Users often need to look up the procedure to complete the task.

The company requires a wizard that leads users through a sequence of steps to complete the task.

You need to create the page to enable the wizard creation.

Which page type should you use?

Answer : A

For a task that is performed infrequently and requires users to follow a sequence of steps, a wizard-like interface is ideal. In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, the NavigatePage page type (A) is best suited for this purpose. NavigatePage is designed to guide users through a series of steps or pages, allowing them to complete a task by making choices or entering data in a structured manner. This page type is often used for setup wizards, data migration tasks, or any other process that benefits from a step-by-step approach. Unlike the other page types like Card (B), RoleCenter (C), or List (D), NavigatePage specifically supports the navigation and decision-making flow required for wizard creation, making it the optimal choice for this requirement.

Question 6

You need to determine why the extension does not appear in the tenant.

What are two possible reasons for the disappearance? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.

NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.

Answer : B, D

In the context of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, an extension may not appear in the tenant for several reasons, particularly after an upgrade to a new major version.

Option A suggests that the extension was published as a DEV extension, which typically would not cause it to disappear after an upgrade because DEV extensions are intended for development and testing within sandbox environments.

Option B indicates that the extension was not compatible with the new version within 60 days of the first notification. This is a likely reason because Microsoft enforces compatibility rules, and extensions that are not made compatible within the specified timeframe might be removed or disabled.

Option C refers to the extension being published as a PTE (Per-Tenant Extension) and mentions the Platform parameter not being updated. This could cause issues, but not specifically the disappearance of the extension after an upgrade.

Option D expands on Option C by adding that both the Platform and Runtime parameters were not updated in the application file. This is a critical aspect because if these parameters are not correctly set to indicate compatibility with the new version of Business Central, the extension could be disabled or removed.

Option E is similar to Option B but mentions a 90-day period. This option does not align with standard Business Central practices for version compatibility requirements.

Therefore, the two possible reasons for the disappearance of the extension in the tenant after an upgrade are that the extension was not compatible with the new version within the required timeframe (Option B) and that the extension was published as a PTE without the Platform and Runtime parameters being updated (Option D).

Question 7

You need to call the Issue API action from the mobile application.

Which action should you use?

Answer : C

In the context provided by the case study, when calling an API action from a mobile application, the correct format for a POST request to an action in Business Central typically involves specifying the entity (/issues), the ID of the entity (88122e0e-5796-ec11-bb87-000d3a392eb5), and the action to be called (/Copy). The action name should match the exact name as defined in the AL code, which is case-sensitive.

Option A is incorrect because it uses a non-standard format for the action call.

Option B uses the PATCH method, which is generally used for update operations, not for calling actions.

Option C is correct as it uses the POST method, which is appropriate for calling actions, and correctly specifies the entity, ID, and action name.

Option D is incorrect because the action name /copy is in lowercase, while AL is case-sensitive, and it should match the case exactly as defined in the code.

Option E incorrectly adds 'MicrosoftNAV' before the action name, which is not standard for calling actions in Business Central APIs.

Hence, the correct action to use when calling the Issue API action from the mobile application is given in Option C.

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