MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1 MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 Exam Practice Test

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Total 95 questions
Question 1

A system API has a guaranteed SLA of 100 ms per request. The system API is deployed to a primary environment as well as to a disaster recovery (DR) environment, with different DNS names in each environment. An upstream process API invokes the system API and the main goal of this process API is to respond to client requests in the least possible time. In what order should the system APIs be invoked, and what changes should be made in order to speed up the response time for requests from the process API?

Answer : A

Correct Answer: In parallel, invoke the system API deployed to the primary environment and the system API deployed to the DR environment, and ONLY use the first response.


>> The API requirement in the given scenario is to respond in least possible time.

>> The option that is suggesting to first try the API in primary environment and then fallback to API in DR environment would result in successful response but NOT in least possible time. So, this is NOT a right choice of implementation for given requirement.

>> Another option that is suggesting to ONLY invoke API in primary environment and to add timeout and retries may also result in successful response upon retries but NOT in least possible time. So, this is also NOT a right choice of implementation for given requirement.

>> One more option that is suggesting to invoke API in primary environment and API in DR environment in parallel using Scatter-Gather would result in wrong API response as it would return merged results and moreover, Scatter-Gather does things in parallel which is true but still completes its scope only on finishing all routes inside it. So again, NOT a right choice of implementation for given requirement

The Correct choice is to invoke the API in primary environment and the API in DR environment parallelly, and using ONLY the first response received from one of them.

Question 2

Version 3.0.1 of a REST API implementation represents time values in PST time using ISO 8601 hh:mm:ss format. The API implementation needs to be changed to instead represent time values in CEST time using ISO 8601 hh:mm:ss format. When following the semantic versioning specification, what version should be assigned to the updated API implementation?

Answer : B

Correct Answer: 4.0.0


As per semantic versioning specification:

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes.

- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner.

- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

As per the scenario given in the question, the API implementation is completely changing its behavior. Although the format of the time is still being maintained as hh:mm:ss and there is no change in schema w.r.t format, the API will start functioning different after this change as the times are going to come completely different.

Example: Before the change, say, time is going as 09:00:00 representing the PST. Now on, after the change, the same time will go as 18:00:00 as Central European Summer Time is 9 hours ahead of Pacific Time.

>> This may lead to some uncertain behavior on API clients depending on how they are handling the times in the API response. All the API clients need to be informed that the API functionality is going to change and will return in CEST format. So, this considered as a MAJOR change and the version of API for this new change would be 4.0.0

Question 3

What is the main change to the IT operating model that MuleSoft recommends to organizations to improve innovation and clock speed?

Answer : A

Correct Answer: Drive consumption as much as production of assets; this enables developers to discover and reuse assets from other projects and encourages standardization


>> The main motto of the new IT Operating Model that MuleSoft recommends and made popular is to change the way that they are delivered from a production model to a production + consumption model, which is done through an API strategy called API-led connectivity.

>> The assets built should also be discoverable and self-serveable for reusablity across LOBs and organization.

>> MuleSoft's IT operating model does not talk about SDLC model (Agile/ Lean etc) or MDM at all. So, options suggesting these are not valid.


Question 4

An Anypoint Platform organization has been configured with an external identity provider (IdP) for identity management and client management. What credentials or token must be provided to Anypoint CLI to execute commands against the Anypoint Platform APIs?

Answer : A

Correct Answer: The credentials provided by the IdP for identity management


>> There is no support for OAuth 2.0 tokens from client/identity providers to authenticate via Anypoint CLI. Only possible tokens are 'bearer tokens' that too only generated using Anypoint Organization/Environment Client Id and Secret from Not the client credentials of client provider. So, OAuth 2.0 is not possible. More over, the token is mainly for API Manager purposes and not associated with a user. You can NOT use it to call most APIs (for example Cloudhub and etc) as per this Mulesoft Knowledge article.

>> The other option allowed by Anypoint CLI is to use client credentials. It is possible to use client credentials of a client provider but requires setting up Connected Apps in client management but such details are not given in the scenario explained in the question.

>> So only option left is to use user credentials from identify provider

Question 5

Say, there is a legacy CRM system called CRM-Z which is offering below functions:

1. Customer creation

2. Amend details of an existing customer

3. Retrieve details of a customer

4. Suspend a customer

Answer : B

Question 6

A retail company is using an Order API to accept new orders. The Order API uses a JMS queue to submit orders to a backend order management service. The normal load for orders is being handled using two (2) CloudHub workers, each configured with 0.2 vCore. The CPU load of each CloudHub worker normally runs well below 70%. However, several times during the year the Order API gets four times (4x) the average number of orders. This causes the CloudHub worker CPU load to exceed 90% and the order submission time to exceed 30 seconds. The cause, however, is NOT the backend order management service, which still responds fast enough to meet the response SLA for the Order API. What is the MOST resource-efficient way to configure the Mule application's CloudHub deployment to help the company cope with this performance challenge?

Answer : D

Correct Answer: Use a horizontal CloudHub autoscaling policy that triggers on CPU utilization greater than 70%


The scenario in the question is very clearly stating that the usual traffic in the year is pretty well handled by the existing worker configuration with CPU running well below 70%. The problem occurs only 'sometimes' occasionally when there is spike in the number of orders coming in.

So, based on above, We neither need to permanently increase the size of each worker nor need to permanently increase the number of workers. This is unnecessary as other than those 'occasional' times the resources are idle and wasted.

We have two options left now. Either to use horizontal Cloudhub autoscaling policy to automatically increase the number of workers or to use vertical Cloudhub autoscaling policy to automatically increase the vCore size of each worker.

Here, we need to take two things into consideration:

1. CPU

2. Order Submission Rate to JMS Queue

>> From CPU perspective, both the options (horizontal and vertical scaling) solves the issue. Both helps to bring down the usage below 90%.

>> However, If we go with Vertical Scaling, then from Order Submission Rate perspective, as the application is still being load balanced with two workers only, there may not be much improvement in the incoming request processing rate and order submission rate to JMS queue. The throughput would be same as before. Only CPU utilization comes down.

>> But, if we go with Horizontal Scaling, it will spawn new workers and adds extra hand to increase the throughput as more workers are being load balanced now. This way we can address both CPU and Order Submission rate.

Hence, Horizontal CloudHub Autoscaling policy is the right and best answer.

Question 7

A REST API is being designed to implement a Mule application.

What standard interface definition language can be used to define REST APIs?

Answer : B

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