NABP Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination Exam Practice Test

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Total 456 questions
Question 1

Drug known as the new relative cromolyn like drug include:

Answer : E

Question 2

All are examples of drugs used in the treatment of bronchoconstriction, EXCEPT:

Answer : B

Question 3

All are examples of corticosteroids inhalers used in asthma, EXCEPT:

Answer : B

Question 4

The MOST well known characteristic symptom of asthma include:

Answer : A

Question 5

Condition characterized by a reversible form of airflow obstruction is known as:

Answer : B

Question 6

Osteoporosis is mainly characterized by:

Answer : B

Question 7

Use of estrogen in osteoporosis:

I- Estrogen enhance calcium retention and retard bone loss

II- Estrogen is useful in treat osteoporosis associated to menopause

III- Estrogen is not effective at increasing bone mass that has already been lost.

Answer : E

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Total 456 questions