Palo Alto Networks Certified Security Engineer PAN-OS 11.0 Exam Practice Test

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Total 250 questions
Question 1

When you troubleshoot an SSL Decryption issue, which PAN-OS CL1 command do you use to check the details of the Forward Trust certificate. Forward Untrust certificate, and SSL Inbound Inspection certificate?

Answer : C

To troubleshoot SSL Decryption issues and check the details of the Forward Trust certificate, Forward Untrust certificate, and SSL Inbound Inspection certificate, the PAN-OS CLI command debug dataplane show ssl-decrypt ssl-certs is used. This command provides detailed information about the SSL certificates involved in decryption and inspection processes, allowing administrators to verify certificate validity, issuer details, and other critical parameters. Understanding the certificate details is crucial in diagnosing issues related to SSL decryption, such as certificate validation errors or misconfigurations that could lead to decryption failures.

Question 2

PBF can address which two scenarios? (Choose two.)

Answer : A, B

Policy-Based Forwarding (PBF) on Palo Alto Networks firewalls allows administrators to define forwarding decisions based on criteria other than the destination IP address, such as the application, source address, or user. It can address scenarios like:

A) Routing FTP to a backup ISP link to save bandwidth on the primary ISP link: PBF can be configured to identify FTP traffic and route it through a different ISP, preserving bandwidth on the primary link for other critical applications.

B) Providing application connectivity when the primary circuit fails: PBF can be used for failover purposes, directing traffic to an alternate path if the primary connection goes down, ensuring continuous application availability.

PBF is not designed to bypass Layer 7 inspection or forward traffic based solely on source port, as these tasks are managed through different mechanisms within the firewall's operating system.

Question 3

A company is deploying User-ID in their network. The firewall team needs to have the ability to see and choose from a list of usernames and user groups directly inside the Panorama policies when creating new security rules.

How can this be achieved?

Answer : B

To enable the firewall team to view and select from a list of usernames and user groups directly within Panorama policies for new security rule creation, User-ID group mapping should be configured in Panorama under User Identification. This feature allows Panorama to collect user and group information from various sources (like Active Directory) and use this information to create policies. By setting up User-ID group mapping, administrators can leverage user identity as criteria in security rules, enabling more granular access control and policy enforcement based on user or group membership, thereby enhancing the overall security posture.

Question 4

Four configuration choices are listed, and each could be used to block access to a specific URL.

If you configured each choice to block the same URL, then which choice would be evaluated last in the processing order to block access to the URL?

Answer : D

In Palo Alto Networks firewalls, the order of evaluation for blocking access to specific URLs involves several components, including URL Filtering profiles and Security policy rules. Among the options listed, the Custom URL category in a Security policy rule is evaluated last in the processing order. This is because the firewall processes Security policy rules after URL Filtering profiles. If a URL matches a Custom URL category in a Security policy rule, this rule will override any allow actions in URL Filtering profiles due to the hierarchical nature of policy evaluation. Security policies provide the final verdict on whether traffic is allowed or denied, making them the last line of evaluation for access control, including URL blocking.

Question 5

A firewall administrator needs to check which egress interface the firewall will use to route the IP

Which command should they use?

Answer : D

To determine the egress interface a Palo Alto Networks firewall will use to route a specific IP address, the appropriate command is test routing fib-lookup ip virtual-router default. This command performs a Forwarding Information Base (FIB) lookup for the specified IP address within the context of the specified virtual router, which in this case is the default virtual router. The FIB lookup process checks the routing table and the associated forwarding information to determine the next-hop and the egress interface for the given IP address. This command is instrumental for troubleshooting and verifying routing decisions made by the firewall to ensure that traffic is routed as expected through the network infrastructure.

Question 6

An administrator needs to evaluate a recent policy change that was committed and pushed to a firewall device group. How should the administrator identify the configuration changes?

Answer : C

When an administrator needs to evaluate recent policy changes that were committed and pushed to a firewall device group in Panorama, the most direct approach is to use the 'Preview Changes' feature.

A) Click Preview Changes under Push Scope:

The 'Preview Changes' option is available under the 'Push Scope' in Panorama. This feature allows administrators to see a detailed comparison of the changes that are about to be pushed to the managed firewalls or that have been recently pushed. It highlights the differences between the current configuration and the previous one, making it easier to identify exactly what changes were made, including modifications to policies, objects, and other settings.

This is particularly useful for auditing and verifying that the intended changes match the actual changes being deployed, enhancing transparency and reducing the risk of unintended configuration modifications.

This approach provides a clear and concise way to review configuration changes before and after they are applied, ensuring that policy modifications are intentional and accurately reflect the administrator's objectives.

Question 7

Which source is the most reliable for collecting User-ID user mapping?

Answer : C

For collecting User-ID user mapping information, the most reliable and commonly used source is directory services, with Microsoft Active Directory being the predominant choice in many organizational environments.

C) Microsoft Active Directory:

Microsoft Active Directory is a directory service used for user authentication and authorization. It provides a comprehensive database of user accounts, groups, and other objects within an organization's network. Palo Alto Networks firewalls can integrate with Active Directory to obtain real-time user mapping information, which is crucial for implementing security policies based on user identity.

The integration involves monitoring Active Directory domain controllers for security logs that contain user login events, IP address mappings, and other relevant information. This allows the firewall to accurately and dynamically map user identities to IP addresses, enhancing the granularity and effectiveness of security policies.

Compared to other sources like Syslog Listener, Microsoft Exchange, or GlobalProtect, Active Directory offers direct and comprehensive insights into user activities and is therefore considered the most reliable source for User-ID user mapping in Palo Alto Networks environments.

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