PECB ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor Exam Practice Test

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Total 138 questions
Question 1

You are carrying out your first third-party ISMS surveillance audit as an Audit Team Leader. You are presently in the auditee's data centre with another member of your audit team.

You are currently in a large room that is subdivided into several smaller rooms, each of which has a numeric combination lock and swipe card reader on the door. You notice two external contractors using a swipe card and combination number provided by the centre's reception desk to gain access to a client's suite to carry out authorised electrical repairs.

You go to reception and ask to see the door access record for the client's suite. This indicates only one card was swiped. You ask the receptionist and they reply, "yes it's a common problem. We ask everyone to swipe their cards but with contractors especially, one tends to swipe and the rest simply 'tailgate' their way in" but we know who they are from the reception sign-in.

Based on the scenario above which one of the following actions would you now take?

Answer : G

According to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS), control A.7.2 requires an organization to implement appropriate physical entry controls to prevent unauthorized access to secure areas1.The organization should define and document the criteria for granting and revoking access rights to secure areas, and should monitor and record the use of such access rights1. Therefore, when auditing the organization's application of control A.7.2, an ISMS auditor should verify that these aspects are met in accordance with the audit criteria.

Based on the scenario above, the auditor should raise a nonconformity against control A.7.2, as the secure area is not adequately protected from unauthorized access. The auditor should provide the following evidence and justification for the nonconformity:

Evidence: The auditor observed two external contractors using a swipe card and combination number provided by the centre's reception desk to gain access to a client's suite to carry out authorized electrical repairs. The auditor checked the door access record for the client's suite and found that only one card was swiped. The auditor asked the receptionist and was told that it was a common problem that contractors tend to swipe one card and tailgate their way in, but they were known from the reception sign-in.

Justification: This evidence indicates that the organization has not implemented appropriate physical entry controls to prevent unauthorized access to secure areas, as required by control A.7.2. The organization has not defined and documented the criteria for granting and revoking access rights to secure areas, as there is no verification or authorization process for providing swipe cards and combination numbers to external contractors. The organization has not monitored and recorded the use of access rights to secure areas, as there is no mechanism to ensure that each individual swipes their card and enters their combination number before entering a secure area. The organization has relied on the reception sign-in as a means of identification, which is not sufficient or reliable for ensuring information security.

The other options are not valid actions for auditing control A.7.2, as they are not related to the control or its requirements, or they are not appropriate or effective for addressing the nonconformity. For example:

Take no action: This option is not valid because it implies that the auditor ignores or accepts the nonconformity, which is contrary to the audit principles and objectives of ISO 19011:20182, which provides guidelines for auditing management systems.

Raise a nonconformity against control A.5.20 'addressing information security in supplier relationships' as information security requirements have not been agreed upon with the supplier: This option is not valid because it does not address the root cause of the nonconformity, which is related to physical entry controls, not supplier relationships.Control A.5.20 requires an organization to agree on information security requirements with suppliers that may access, process, store, communicate or provide IT infrastructure components for its information assets1. While this control may be relevant for ensuring information security in supplier relationships, it does not address the issue of unauthorized access to secure areas by external contractors.

Raise a nonconformity against control A.7.6 'working in secure areas' as security measures for working in secure areas have not been defined: This option is not valid because it does not address the root cause of the nonconformity, which is related to physical entry controls, not working in secure areas.Control A.7.6 requires an organization to define and apply security measures for working in secure areas1. While this control may be relevant for ensuring information security when working in secure areas, it does not address the issue of unauthorized access to secure areas by external contractors.

Determine whether any additional effective arrangements are in place to verify individual access to secure areas e.g. CCTV: This option is not valid because it does not address or resolve the nonconformity, but rather attempts to find alternative or compensating controls that may mitigate its impact or likelihood. While additional arrangements such as CCTV may be useful for verifying individual access to secure areas, they do not replace or substitute the requirement for appropriate physical entry controls as specified by control A.7.2.

Raise an opportunity for improvement that contractors must be accompanied at all times when accessing secure facilities: This option is not valid because it does not address or resolve the nonconformity, but rather suggests a possible improvement action that may prevent or reduce its recurrence or severity. While accompanying contractors at all times when accessing secure facilities may be a good practice for ensuring information security, it does not replace or substitute the requirement for appropriate physical entry controls as specified by control A.7.2.

Raise an opportunity for improvement to have a large sign in reception reminding everyone requiring access must use their swipe card at all times: This option is not valid because it does not address or resolve the nonconformity, but rather suggests a possible improvement action that may increase awareness or compliance with the existing controls. While having a large sign in reception reminding everyone requiring access must use their swipe card at all times may be a helpful reminder for ensuring information security, it does not replace or substitute the requirement for appropriate physical entry controls as specified by control A.7.2.

Tell the organisation they must write to their contractors, reminding them of the need to use access cards appropriately: This option is not valid because it does not address or resolve the nonconformity, but rather instructs the organization to take a corrective action that may not be effective or sufficient for ensuring information security. While writing to contractors, reminding them of the need to use access cards appropriately may be a communication measure for ensuring information security, it does not replace or substitute the requirement for appropriate physical entry controls as specified by control A.7.2.

Question 2

You are conducting a third-party surveillance audit when another member of the audit team approaches you seeking clarification. They have been asked to assess the organisation's application of control 5.7 - Threat Intelligence. They are aware that this is one of the new controls introduced in the 2022 edition of ISO/IEC 27001, and they want to make sure they audit the control correctly.

They have prepared a checklist to assist them with their audit and want you to confirm that their planned activities are aligned with the control's requirements.

Which three of the following options represent valid audit trails?

Answer : A, D, F

According to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS), control 5.7 requires an organization to establish and maintain a threat intelligence process to identify and evaluate information security threats that are relevant to its ISMS scope and objectives1.The organization should use internal and external sources of information, such as vulnerability databases, threat feeds, industry reports, etc., to produce threat intelligence that can be used to support risk assessment and treatment, as well as other information security activities1. Therefore, when auditing the organization's application of control 5.7, an ISMS auditor should verify that these aspects are met in accordance with the audit criteria.

Three options that represent valid audit trails for verifying control 5.7 are:

I will review the organisation's threat intelligence process and will ensure that this is fully documented: This option is valid because it can provide evidence of how the organization has established and maintained a threat intelligence process that is consistent with its ISMS scope and objectives.It can also verify that the process is documented according to clause 7.5 of ISO/IEC 27001:20221.

I will check that threat intelligence is actively used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the organisation's information assets: This option is valid because it can provide evidence of how the organization has used threat intelligence to support its risk assessment and treatment, as well as other information security activities, such as incident response, awareness, or monitoring.It can also verify that the organization has achieved its information security objectives according to clause 6.2 of ISO/IEC 27001:20221.

I will determine whether internal and external sources of information are used in the production of threat intelligence: This option is valid because it can provide evidence of how the organization has used various sources of information, such as vulnerability databases, threat feeds, industry reports, etc., to produce threat intelligence that is relevant and reliable.It can also verify that the organization has complied with the requirement of control 5.7 of ISO/IEC 27001:20221.

The other options are not valid audit trails for verifying control 5.7, as they are not related to the control or its requirements. For example:

I will speak to top management to make sure all staff are aware of the importance of reporting threats: This option is not valid because it does not provide evidence of how the organization has established and maintained a threat intelligence process or used threat intelligence to support its ISMS activities. It may be related to another control or requirement regarding information security awareness or communication, but not specifically to control 5.7.

I will ensure that the task of producing threat intelligence is assigned to the organisation s internal audit team: This option is not valid because it does not provide evidence of how the organization has established and maintained a threat intelligence process or used threat intelligence to support its ISMS activities.It may also contradict the requirement for auditor independence and objectivity, as recommended by ISO 19011:20182, which provides guidelines for auditing management systems.

I will ensure that the organisation's risk assessment process begins with effective threat intelligence: This option is not valid because it does not provide evidence of how the organization has established and maintained a threat intelligence process or used threat intelligence to support its ISMS activities.It may also imply a prescriptive approach to risk assessment that is not consistent with ISO/IEC 27005:20183, which provides guidelines for information security risk management.

I will review how information relating to information security threats is collected and evaluated to produce threat intelligence: This option is not valid because it does not provide evidence of how the organization has established and maintained a threat intelligence process or used threat intelligence to support its ISMS activities. It may also be too vague or broad to be an effective audit trail, as it does not specify what criteria or methods are used for collecting and evaluating information.

I will ensure that appropriate measures have been introduced to inform top management as to the effectiveness of current threat intelligence arrangements: This option is not valid because it does not provide evidence of how the organization has established and maintained a threat intelligence process or used threat intelligence to support its ISMS activities. It may be related to another control or requirement regarding management review or performance evaluation, but not specifically to control 5.7.

Question 3

The data center at which you work is currently seeking ISO/IEC27001:2022 certification. In preparation for your initial certification visit a number of internal audits have been carried out by a colleague working at another data centre within your Group. They secured their ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certificate earlier in the year.

You have just qualified as an Internal ISMS auditor and your manager has asked you to review the audit process and audit findings as a final check before the external Certrfication Body arrives.

Which six of the following would cause you concern in respect of conformity to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements?

Answer : A, C, E, F, H, I

According to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS), clause 9.3 requires top management to review the organization's ISMS at planned intervals to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness1.Clause 9.2 requires the organization to conduct internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on whether the ISMS conforms to its own requirements and those of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, and is effectively implemented and maintained1. Therefore, when reviewing the audit process and audit findings as a final check before the external certification body arrives, an internal ISMS auditor should verify that these clauses are met in accordance with the audit criteria.

Six of the following statements would cause concern in respect of conformity to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements:

The audit programme shows management reviews taking place at irregular intervals during the year: This statement would cause concern because it implies that the organization is not conducting management reviews at planned intervals, as required by clause 9.3. This may affect the ability of top management to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the ISMS.

The audit programme does not take into account the relative importance of information security processes: This statement would cause concern because it implies that the organization is not applying a risk-based approach to determine the audit frequency, methods, scope and criteria, as recommended by ISO 19011:2018, which provides guidelines for auditing management systems2. This may affect the ability of the organization to identify and address the most significant risks and opportunities for its ISMS.

Although the scope for each internal audit has been defined, there are no audit criteria defined for the audits carried out to date: This statement would cause concern because it implies that the organization is not establishing audit criteria for each internal audit, as required by clause 9.2.Audit criteria are the set of policies, procedures or requirements used as a reference against which audit evidence is compared2. Without audit criteria, it is not possible to determine whether the ISMS conforms to its own requirements and those of ISO/IEC 27001:2022.

Audit reports to date have used key performance indicator information to focus solely on the efficiency of ISMS processes: This statement would cause concern because it implies that the organization is not evaluating the effectiveness of ISMS processes, as required by clause 9.1.Effectiveness is the extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved2.Efficiency is the relationship between the result achieved and the resources used2. Both aspects are important for measuring and evaluating ISMS performance and improvement.

The audit programme does not take into account the results of previous audits: This statement would cause concern because it implies that the organization is not using the results of previous audits as an input for planning and conducting subsequent audits, as recommended by ISO 19011:20182. This may affect the ability of the organization to identify and address any recurring or unresolved issues or nonconformities related to its ISMS.

Top management commitment to the ISMS will not be audited before the certification visit, according to the audit programme: This statement would cause concern because it implies that the organization is not verifying that top management demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to its ISMS, as required by clause 5.1.This may affect the ability of top management to ensure that the ISMS policy and objectives are established and compatible with the strategic direction of the organization; that roles, responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned and communicated; that resources needed for the ISMS are available; that communication about information security matters is established; that continual improvement of the ISMS is promoted; that other relevant management reviews are aligned with those of information security; and that support is provided to other relevant roles1.

The other statements would not cause concern in respect of conformity to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements:

Audit reports are not held in hardcopy (i.e. on paper). They are only stored as '.POF documents on the organisation's intranet: This statement would not cause concern because it does not imply any nonconformity with ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements. The standard does not prescribe any specific format or media for documenting or storing audit reports, as long as they are controlled according to clause 7.5.

The audit programme mandates auditors must be independent of the areas they audit in order to satisfy the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022: This statement would not cause concern because it does not imply any nonconformity with ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements.The standard does not prescribe any specific requirement for auditor independence, as long as the audit is conducted objectively and impartially, in accordance with ISO 19011:20182.

The audit programme does not reference audit methods or audit responsibilities: This statement would not cause concern because it does not imply any nonconformity with ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements.The standard does not prescribe any specific requirement for referencing audit methods or audit responsibilities in the audit programme, as long as they are defined and documented according to ISO 19011:20182.

The audit process states the results of audits will be made available to 'relevant' managers, not top management: This statement would not cause concern because it does not imply any nonconformity with ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements. The standard does not prescribe any specific requirement for communicating the results of audits to top management, as long as they are reported to the relevant parties and used as an input for management review, according to clause 9.3.

Question 4

You are performing an ISMS audit at a residential nursing home that provides healthcare services. The next step in your audit plan is to verify the information security incident management process. The IT Security Manager presents the information security incident management procedure and explains that the process is based on ISO/IEC 27035-1:2016.

You review the document and notice a statement "any information security weakness, event, and incident should be reported to the Point of Contact (PoC) within 1 hour after identification". When interviewing staff, you found that there were differences in the understanding of the meaning of "weakness, event, and incident".

You sample incident report records from the event tracking system for the last 6 months with summarized results in the following table.

You would like to further investigate other areas to collect more audit evidence. Select two options that will not be in your audit trail.

Question 5

You are an ISMS auditor conducting a third-party surveillance audit of a telecom's provider. You are in the equipment staging room where network switches are pre-programmed before being despatched to clients. You note that recently there has been a significant increase in the number of switches failing their initial configuration test and being returned for reprogramming.

You ask the Chief Tester why and she says, 'It's a result of the recent ISMS upgrade'. Before the upgrade each technician had their own hard copy work instructions. Now, the eight members of my team have to share two laptops to access the clients' configuration instructions online. These delays put pressure on the technicians, resulting in more mistakes being made'.

Based solely on the information above, which clause of ISO to raise a nonconformity against' Select one.

Answer : B

According to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS), clause 8.1 requires an organization to plan, implement and control its processes needed to meet ISMS requirements2.This includes determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, who will do it, when it will be done, what resources are required, how performance will be evaluated, etc2. Therefore, if an ISMS auditor conducting a third-party surveillance audit of a telecom's provider notes that there has been a significant increase in the number of switches failing their initial configuration test and being returned for reprogramming due to a recent ISMS upgrade that reduced access to work instructions, this indicates a nonconformity against clause 8.1 of ISO/IEC 27001:2022.The organization has failed to plan and control its operational processes effectively to ensure information security and quality2. The other options are not correct clauses to raise a nonconformity against based solely on this information.For example, clause 7.5 deals with documented information required by ISMS or determined by an organization as necessary for its effectiveness2, but it does not specify how many copies or formats of work instructions should be available; clause 10.2 deals with nonconformity and corrective action as a response to an identified problem or incident2, but it does not address how to prevent or avoid such problems or incidents in operational processes; clause 7.3 deals with awareness of ISMS policy, objectives, roles and responsibilities among persons doing work under an organization's control2, but it does not relate to how work instructions are accessed or followed; clause 7.2 deals with competence of persons doing work under an organization's control that affects its ISMS performance2, but it does not imply that lack of competence is caused by insufficient work instructions; clause 7.4 deals with communication about ISMS among internal and external interested parties2, but it does not cover how operational information is communicated within an organization.Reference:ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management systems -- Requirements

Question 6

Which two of the following statements are true?

Answer : A, B

The following statements are true:

The role of a certification body auditor involves evaluating the organization's processes for ensuring compliance with their legal requirements. This is part of the auditor's responsibility to assess the effectiveness and conformity of the organization's ISMS against the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard and the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

During a third-party audit, the auditor evaluates how the organization ensures that they are made aware of changes to the legal requirements. This is part of the auditor's responsibility to verify that the organization has established and maintained a process for identifying and updating their legal and other requirements related to information security. The following statement is false:

As part of a certification body audit, the auditor is responsible for verifying the organization's legal compliance status. This is not true, as the auditor is not authorized or qualified to provide legal advice or judgment on the organization's compliance status. The auditor can only report on the evidence of compliance or noncompliance observed during the audit, but the ultimate responsibility for ensuring legal compliance lies with the organization.Reference:: CQI & IRCA ISO 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Course Handbook, page 66. : CQI & IRCA ISO 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Course Handbook, page 67. :ISO/IEC 27001 LEAD AUDITOR - PECB, page 22.

Question 7
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Total 138 questions