RedHat EX200 Red Hat Certified System Administrator Exam Practice Test

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Total 136 questions
Question 1

Part 2 (on Node2 Server)

Task 5 [Managing Logical Volumes]

Add an additional swap partition of 656 MiB to your system. The swap partition should automatically mount when your system boots

Do not remove or otherwise alter any existing swap partition on your system

Answer : A

Question 2

Part 2 (on Node2 Server)

Task 4 [Managing Logical Volumes]

Resize the logical volume, lvrz and reduce filesystem to 4600 MiB. Make sure the the filesystem contents remain intact with mount point /datarz

(Note: partitions are seldom exactly the size requested, so anything within the range of 4200MiB to 4900MiB is acceptable)

Answer : A

Question 3

Part 1 (on Node1 Server)

Task 15 [Running Containers]

Create a container named logserver with the image rhel8/rsyslog found from the registry

The container should run as the root less user shangril

a. use redhat as password [sudo user]

Configure the container with systemd services as the shangrila user using the service name, ''container-logserver'' so that it can be persistent across reboot.

Use admin as the username and admin123 as the credentials for the image registry.

Answer : A

Question 4

Part 1 (on Node1 Server)

Task 12 [Accessing Network-Attached Storage]

Configure autofs to automount the home directories of user remoteuserX. Note the following:, NFS-exports /netdir to your system, where user is remoteuserX where X is your domain number

remoteuserX home directory is

remoteuserX home directory should be auto mounted locally at /netdir as /netdir/remoteuserX

Home directories must be writable by their users while you are able to login as any of the remoteuserX only home directory that is accessible from your system

Answer : A

Question 5

Part 1 (on Node1 Server)

Task 11 [Scheduling Future Tasks]

The user natasha must configure a cron job that runs daily at 14:23 local time and also the same cron job will run after every 2 minutes and executes:

/bin/echo hello

Answer : A

Question 6

Configure your system so that it is an NTP client of

Answer : A

Question 7

The system provides an LDAP authentication service.

Your system should bind to this service as follows:

The base DN for the authentication service is dc=domain11, dc=example, dc=com LDAP is used to provide both account information and authentication information. The connection should be encrypted using the certificate at

When properly configured, ldapuserX should be able to log into your system, but will not have a home directory until you have completed the autofs requirement. Username: ldapuser11

Password: password

Answer : A

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Total 136 questions