Salesforce Certified Strategy Designer Exam Practice Test

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Total 123 questions
Question 1

In listening to its customer and influencers Cloud Kicks (CK) identifies a design opportunity

to create a more sustainable sneaker Which additional topics should CK consider before framing the

design challenge as a How Might We question?

Answer : B

The additional topics that Cloud Kicks should consider before framing the design challenge as a How Might We question are potential market size and supply chain costs, as these help evaluate the viability and feasibility of the design opportunity. Shareholder priorities and design team capabilities or business drivers and signals of success may not be relevant or important for framing the design challenge.

Question 2

While conceptualizing a new footwear line, the design team gained feedback that both

employees and consumers are seeking more sustainable products. Leaders need more rationale to

justify the investment.

Which values-based design principle should be used to reinforce this feedback?

Answer : A

The best values-based design principle to use to reinforce the feedback that both employees and consumers are seeking more sustainable products is to create products from recycled materials, as this helps reduce environmental impact, conserve resources, and demonstrate social responsibility. Using energy from renewable resources or focusing on creating enduring advantage may not be directly related to the product design.

Question 3

Cloud Kicks has uncovered a trend in parents and children wearing similar, coordinated

fashion. A strategy designer is scoping a project to explore the potential of this opportunity. When

should families be invited to co-create with designers?

Answer : A

The best time to invite families to co-create with designers for a new footwear line is during the concepting phase, as this helps generate and validate ideas that meet the user needs and preferences, and foster user engagement and loyalty. Roadmapping or prototyping may not be suitable for co-creation, as they are more focused on planning and testing the solution.

Question 4

A strategy designer is working on a project with budget constraints. Many of the variables

and decisions are unclear in the early stages of design What should be their approach in terms of

bringing skills and talent?

Answer : C

The best approach in terms of bringing skills and talent for a project with budget constraints and unclear variables and decisions is to bring in team members with strong problem solving skills, as this helps tackle ambiguity and uncertainty, and generate creative and effective solutions. Defining additional leads for each functional area or staffing heavily from the development phase may not be feasible or optimal for the project.

Question 5

Cloud Kicks has designed two new features for its online shopping experience. Feature A is

a tracker to show existing customers when their footwear will arrive, feature B gives the option to

invite friends to purchase, too, focusing on acquiring new customers. Which criteria should the

strategy designer use to determine which feature to build first?

Answer : C

The criteria that the strategy designer should use to determine which feature to build first is value and effort. Value and effort are two dimensions that can help evaluate and compare features based on their impact on achieving the desired outcomes and their difficulty or complexity to implement. Features that have high value and low effort are usually prioritized, while features that have low value and high effort are usually deprioritized or eliminated. Outcome and bandwidth or resourcing and budget may not be sufficient criteria for determining which feature to build first, as they do not account for both value and effort.

Question 6

A Strategy Designer at Cloud Kicks presents narrative to drive stakeholder alignment for a

new product vision.

In addition to the narrative, what should the designer provide to create alignment?

Answer : B

In addition to the narrative, the designer should provide the strategic case including a breakdown of features and why they meet audience needs to create alignment. The strategic case is a way to explain how the new product vision aligns with the company's mission, values, goals, and capabilities. It also shows how the product features address user needs, pain points, motivations, and behaviors. This can help persuade internal stakeholders to support the new product vision by demonstrating its value proposition and relevance. Incentives may motivate stakeholders temporarily but they do not create lasting alignment or commitment. A roadmap may show how the new product vision will be implemented but it does not justify why it should be pursued.

Question 7

Cloud Kicks is going to conduct research with users of products to better understand their needs.

What are some safeguards that should be put in place to ensure the research is conducted ethically?

Answer : C

Some safeguards that should be put in place to ensure the research is conducted ethically are a code of conduct, ethics training, and a research data handling policy. A code of conduct is a set of principles and guidelines that define ethical behavior and expectations for researchers and participants. Ethics training is a way to educate researchers on ethical issues and best practices in conducting research. A research data handling policy is a document that specifies how research data will be collected, stored, accessed, shared, analyzed, and disposed of in a secure and compliant manner. A customer journey map, research scenario, and a RAID log are tools for planning and documenting research activities, but they do not address ethical issues. A hypothesis, project plan, and financial reimbursement for users are elements of research design and execution, but they do not ensure ethical conduct.

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Total 123 questions