Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam Practice Test

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Total 83 questions
Question 1

How should users in a business unit make items accessible to users in other business units in Marketing Cloud Engagement?

Answer : B

In Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement, items such as email templates, content blocks, and data extensions can be made accessible to users across different business units by storing them in a shared folder. Shared folders are designed to facilitate collaboration and reuse of assets within an organization's Marketing Cloud instance, allowing users from any business unit to access and utilize shared items in their campaigns and workflows.

By organizing and storing reusable assets in shared folders, businesses can ensure consistency in branding and messaging across different teams and campaigns, while also improving efficiency by reducing the need to duplicate assets for each business unit.

Question 2

The marketing team at Cloud Kicks wants to easily report the average open rate across all email sends from journeys this month.

What should a marketing associate use to retrieve this information?

Answer : A

To easily report the average open rate across all email sends from journeys within a specific timeframe, such as a month, a marketing associate at Cloud Kicks should utilize Analytics Builder Reports in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Analytics Builder offers a suite of reporting and analysis tools, including pre-built and customizable reports that can aggregate performance metrics across multiple sends and journeys.

By accessing and configuring the appropriate reports within Analytics Builder, the associate can compile and analyze email engagement metrics, such as open rates, to gain insights into the overall performance of their email marketing efforts over the designated period.

Question 3

A new marketing associate at Northern Trail Outfitters wants to learn how to use Marketing Cloud Engagement.

Which resource provides knowledge checks and community-centered assets?

Answer : C

Trailhead by Salesforce is an interactive, gamified learning platform designed to teach a wide range of Salesforce and related skills. It provides modules, projects, and superbadges that cover various aspects of Salesforce, including Marketing Cloud Engagement. Trailhead stands out for its knowledge checks and community-centered assets, such as forums and leaderboards, that enhance the learning experience.

Learners can engage with specific trails tailored to Marketing Cloud Engagement, progressing through hands-on challenges that validate their knowledge and skills. The community aspect allows for collaboration and sharing of insights among users, further enriching the learning journey.

Question 4

Cloud Kicks sends a digital receipt for all online orders. The receipt needs to be sent even if the subscriber has previously unsubscribed.

What should an associate use at time of send?

Answer : C

When sending digital receipts for online orders, even to subscribers who have previously unsubscribed from marketing communications, the appropriate send classification to use is the Transactional Send Classification. This classification is used for emails that are essential to a transaction or service requested by the customer, such as order confirmations, shipping notifications, and digital receipts.

Transactional emails are exempt from typical subscription preferences because they are considered necessary for the fulfillment of the service or transaction that the customer has engaged in. By using a Transactional Send Classification, Cloud Kicks ensures that all customers receive their digital receipts, maintaining compliance with best practices and customer service standards.

Question 5

Northern Trail Outfitters has been running an email marketing campaign for 6 months. The head of sales wants to know how many new sales leads this email campaign is generating.

Which marketing metric should the associate present to the head of sales?

Answer : B

To demonstrate the effectiveness of an email marketing campaign in generating new sales leads, the most relevant metric to present to the head of sales is conversions. Conversions refer to the actions that email recipients take as a direct result of the campaign that align with predefined goals, such as filling out a contact form, signing up for a webinar, or making a purchase. This metric directly correlates email engagement with the desired outcome of acquiring new sales leads, providing a tangible measure of the campaign's impact on business objectives.

Focusing on conversions allows the marketing team to quantify the effectiveness of the email campaign in driving meaningful actions that contribute to the sales pipeline.

Question 6

The marketing team at Northern Trail Outfitters is launching a reengagement program in an effort to regain some of its lapsed subscribers. They target a part of their lapsed subscriber suppression list and, after the first attempt, the bounce rate is higher than normal.

What is causing the deliverability issue?

Answer : C

When Northern Trail Outfitters' marketing team experiences a higher than normal bounce rate while launching a reengagement program targeting a segment of their lapsed subscriber suppression list, the deliverability issue is likely caused by the email addresses no longer existing with the service provider. This situation is common in reengagement campaigns targeting subscribers who have not interacted with the brand for an extended period, leading to outdated or abandoned email accounts.

Maintaining an up-to-date and clean email list is crucial for effective deliverability and avoiding unnecessary bounces. Regularly cleansing the email list and removing non-existent or inactive email addresses can help mitigate these issues and improve the overall success of reengagement efforts.

Question 7

The marketing team at Cloud Kicks notices that several hard bounces have occurred in their last email send.

What is causing the email to hard bounce?

Answer : C

A hard bounce in email marketing typically occurs when an email is permanently rejected by the recipient's email server due to the recipient's email address being invalid. This can happen for various reasons, such as the email account being deleted, the domain no longer existing, or a typo in the email address.

Hard bounces are a critical metric in email marketing as they directly impact deliverability rates and sender reputation. It's essential for marketing teams to monitor hard bounce rates and take proactive measures to clean their email lists regularly to maintain high deliverability and engagement rates.

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Total 83 questions