Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam Practice Test

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Total 83 questions
Question 1

A marketing associate at Cloud Kicks has created a promotional email and wants to send it to internal marketing, compliance, and sales teams. The teams currently consist of 15 individuals each.

How should the associate send a preview of the promotional email to the internal teams?

Answer : A

When a marketing associate at Cloud Kicks wants to send a preview of a promotional email to internal teams, the most efficient method is to send a proof based on a Subscriber Preview. This feature allows the sender to generate a preview of how the email will appear to recipients, including personalized content and dynamic elements. Sending a proof ensures that internal stakeholders such as marketing, compliance, and sales teams can review the email exactly as it would appear to the intended audience, allowing for comprehensive feedback on content, design, and compliance aspects.

This approach is particularly useful for internal reviews, as it provides a realistic representation of the customer experience, facilitating effective collaboration and quality assurance before the final send.

Question 2

A marketing associate at Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) notices the number of hard bounces increased after the most recent send. Recently, NTO:

* Updated its Commercial Send Classification

* Incorporated a list of additional contacts gathered from an industry event into a sendable data extension

* Tested new subject lines in its email campaigns

What is causing the high bounce rate?

Answer : B

The increase in hard bounces experienced by Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) after incorporating a new list of contacts from an industry event is most likely due to some of the newly added contacts having invalid email addresses. Hard bounces typically occur when an email address is incorrect, nonexistent, or has been deactivated. When a list is newly integrated into a sendable data extension without thorough validation or cleaning, there's a higher likelihood that it contains email addresses that are no longer valid, leading to an increase in hard bounces.

It's essential for marketing teams to perform email address validation and list cleaning, especially when incorporating new lists from external sources like industry events, to maintain email deliverability and sender reputation.

Question 3

The marketing team at Northern Trail Outfitters is launching a reengagement program in an effort to regain some of its lapsed subscribers. They target a part of their lapsed subscriber suppression list and, after the first attempt, the bounce rate is higher than normal.

What is causing the deliverability issue?

Answer : C

When Northern Trail Outfitters' marketing team experiences a higher than normal bounce rate while launching a reengagement program targeting a segment of their lapsed subscriber suppression list, the deliverability issue is likely caused by the email addresses no longer existing with the service provider. This situation is common in reengagement campaigns targeting subscribers who have not interacted with the brand for an extended period, leading to outdated or abandoned email accounts.

Maintaining an up-to-date and clean email list is crucial for effective deliverability and avoiding unnecessary bounces. Regularly cleansing the email list and removing non-existent or inactive email addresses can help mitigate these issues and improve the overall success of reengagement efforts.

Question 4

The marketing team at Cloud Kicks notices that several hard bounces have occurred in their last email send.

What is causing the email to hard bounce?

Answer : C

A hard bounce in email marketing typically occurs when an email is permanently rejected by the recipient's email server due to the recipient's email address being invalid. This can happen for various reasons, such as the email account being deleted, the domain no longer existing, or a typo in the email address.

Hard bounces are a critical metric in email marketing as they directly impact deliverability rates and sender reputation. It's essential for marketing teams to monitor hard bounce rates and take proactive measures to clean their email lists regularly to maintain high deliverability and engagement rates.

Question 5

Northern Trail Outfitters wants to send first-time customers a welcome email with a coupon immediately after they sign up for a newsletter.

What should an associate use to accomplish this task?

Answer : B

To send a welcome email with a coupon to first-time customers immediately after they sign up for a newsletter, the associate should use Automation Studio within Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Automation Studio offers a powerful suite of tools for automating marketing and operational tasks, including triggering emails based on specific events or actions, such as a new newsletter sign-up.

By setting up a trigger-based automation in Automation Studio, the marketing team can ensure that as soon as a new sign-up is recorded, the welcome email is automatically dispatched. This immediate and personalized response can enhance the customer experience and foster a positive relationship from the outset.

Question 6

The marketing team at Cloud Kicks wants to set up a form on a landing page to collect contact information to a data extension in Marketing Cloud Engagement.

Which functionality should the associate use?

Answer : C

When the marketing team at Cloud Kicks wants to set up a form on a landing page to collect contact information that feeds directly into a data extension in Marketing Cloud Engagement, the most appropriate functionality to use is Smart Capture. Smart Capture is a form tool available in Salesforce Marketing Cloud that allows users to easily create and customize forms to collect data from visitors on web pages or landing pages.

By using Smart Capture, the team can design forms that align with their branding and specific data collection needs, and directly link the form to a data extension where the collected contact information is stored. This seamless integration facilitates efficient data collection and management, enabling the team to quickly leverage the collected data for marketing campaigns and engagement activities.

Question 7

Sending unsolicited emails puts brands and companies at risk. Repeated offenses lead to complaints and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) blocking emails.

Which of the following is considered best practice regarding unsolicited emails?

Answer : C

In the context of sending unsolicited emails, best practices dictate the importance of capturing explicit consent from users. This means that individuals should knowingly and willingly agree to receive emails from a brand or company, typically through an opt-in mechanism. Explicit consent ensures that recipients are interested in the content being sent to them, which significantly reduces the likelihood of complaints and the risk of emails being blocked by Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

Obtaining explicit consent is not only a best practice but also a requirement under various data protection and privacy laws, such as GDPR in Europe. These regulations mandate clear and affirmative consent for receiving marketing communications, thereby protecting users from unsolicited emails and enhancing the integrity of email marketing practices.

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Total 83 questions