SCP SC0-402 Network Defense and Countermeasures SCP-NDC Exam Practice Test

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Total 410 questions
Question 1

Your company has created it's security policy and it's time to get he firewall in place. Your group is trying to decide whether to

build a firewall or buy one. What are some of the benefits to purchasing a firewall rather than building one?

Answer : A, B, E

Question 2

What CheckPoint module can be used to prevent the "hijacking" of authorized sessions??

Answer : D

Question 3

Which of the following is a potential weakness of a commercial firewall product that is installed on a hardened machine?

Answer : E

Question 4

Your company has created it's security policy and it's time to get he firewall in place. Your group is trying to decide whether to

build a firewall or buy one. What are some of the downsides to deciding to build a firewall rather than purchase one?

Answer : A, B, E

Question 5

Your company has recently become security conscious and wishes to protect it's electronic assets. What is the first thing you

should have in place before configuring rules for your company's firewall?

Answer : A

Question 6

Once you have configured the new Intrusion Detection System in your network, you are discussing what it can and cannot do

with the other members of the IT department. You are specifically asked what it cannot do. Which of the following answers are

options that an IDS cannot provide?

Answer : A, B, D, E

Question 7

You have successfully implemented a new Intrusion Detection System in your network. You have verified that the system is

active and did detect the tests you have run against it thus far. You are now in the stage of identifying the type of analysis you wish to

use with the system. You meet with the rest of the IT staff and are asked to describe the different options for analysis. Which of the

following best describes Real-time Analysis?

Answer : C

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Total 410 questions