ScrumStudy Scrum Master Certified (SMC) Exam Practice Test

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Total 148 questions
Question 1

You are the Scrum Master of the JKM Project and your Development Team has asked to change some rules about the duration of the Sprints. Which one of the following statements is a rule of Scrum that the team should follow when it comes to Sprint duration?

Answer : C

Question 2

A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Team members and creating a hostile environment. If necessary, who is responsible for removing the team member?

Answer : D

Question 3

You are the Scrum Master for your organization and you're coaching the Development Team on the work they'll need to do in the Sprint. What does a Development Team deliver at the end of a Sprint?

Answer : D

Question 4

You are the Scrum Master for a new project. This project will have 80 developers contributing to the product. As a Scrum Master, how would you divide a group of 80 people into multiple Development Teams?

Answer : D

Question 5

Select all that apply. Before starting the first Sprint, what needs to be in place?

Answer : A, E

Question 6

Is Scrum immutable

Answer : B

Question 7

Which one of the following is an output of Sprint Planning and is used to give the Development Team a Sprint target?

Answer : A

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Total 148 questions