Slack Certified Admin Exam Practice Test

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Total 60 questions
Question 1

Jorge is starting an Employee Resource Group for volunteers at his company to collaborate from across different business units. This group requires a workspace that is visible to all members of his organization, so that they can volunteer to join and follow the group's progress. However, the group's leaders want the rights to approve any members before they join.

Which access level should Jorge set for this workspace?

Answer : B

Question 2

Kathleen is a Workspace Owner who leads the marketing department at a mid-sized company in Pune, India.

She keeps receiving new campaigns at her desk to review and approve, but she has never heard of these initiatives. Many of her colleagues are equally confused. She has a few key public channels where she has explained to her team that marketing conversations should take place, so she wonders where her team is

communicating. Upon investigation, she discovers that users are creating their own unique channels for each marketing campaign. Subsequently, important employees have been excluded, duplicate projects exist, and information is fragmented.

To enhance transparency and collaboration, Kathleen emphasizes that users should discuss projects together in the agreed-upon channels, as they often involve the same people.

Which settings and permissions should Kathleen change to reinforce this message?

Answer : A

Question 3

Paul leads an accounting team and is implementing a new expense reporting system.

He wants to update employees on the status of the system's rollout to different offices. He also wants to post links to help articles and online trainings that the team can use as resources. However, he wants to maintain control over the flow of information for these updates and would like to minimize off-topic discussion.

Which of the following would help him achieve his goal?

Answer : B

Question 4

Chandler, who works for Truck Inc, is in charge of developing a new certification program for Truck Inc's drivers. Chandler will be working with a small team of 4 employees, and details of the program must be kept private from the drivers. They are currently using a group direct message to plan the certification program, but some people on the team will be going on vacation soon, and new members will be replacing them.

What should Chandler do next?

Answer : B

Question 5

Jose works at Globex and is a Slack administrator and Champion.

He receives several Slack direct messages per day from employees looking for more information on a range of topics, such as how to connect apps to their Slack workspace and where to find training materials.

Jose wants to encourage Slack best practices among employees. Which course of action should Jose take in this situation?

Answer : A

Question 6

A few months ago, a team of developers at Blue Inc identified a new issue during testing and created a public channel called #bug-cricket to communicate about the issue. After some casual conversation back and forth in the channel, the team discovered that a problem with the old architecture caused this bug.

They may need to reference the history in the future.

Of note, there has not been any new activity in #bug-cricket for months, and the bug case has been closed. What should the team do with #bug-cricket?

Answer : B

Question 7

Britt is a Workspace Admin who created a public channel called #bread-buds for co-workers who enjoy bread- making.

The company has had new team members join, and the conversation has become more general about all types of carbohydrates. Britt decides it's time to expand the channel. Rather than rename it, Britt creates a new channel #carbohydrate-chats to be inclusive and start fresh with activity. At the same time, Britt want to keep #bread-buds so the team can reference baking instructions that have been gathered over the past few years, but she doesn't want anyone posting in it.

What should Britt do?

Answer : A

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Total 60 questions