Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Exam Practice Test

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Total 108 questions
Question 1

Connect to the "Global Superstore" data source and use the Orders table. Find out how many products from the Office Supplies category are in the Top 10 most profitable product list?

Answer : B

First, create a set using the Product Name. Select the Top condition as:

Drop this Set to the filters shelf and select IN only.

Drop this Set to the filters shelf and select IN only.

Drop the Category, Top 10 profitable products and Product Name to the view:

Question 2

Connect to the "World Cup Results" and use table WorldCups. Create a bar graph using the Year and Matches Played. For how many years the number of matches played was less than 70% of the median?

Answer : B

Drop the year to the Columns and change it Discrete. Drop the matches played to the Rows.

Go to the Analytics menu, drop the Distribution band to the view. Select scope as entire table.

Value Computation should be:

Your view will look like this:

Question 3

Connect to the "World Cup Results" and use tables WorldCupMatches, WorldCups. Which of the following year had the highest percentage of Away goals? Consider only those years when the host country did not win the world cup.

Answer : A

In WorldCupMatches table, we have the information of Away goals, and in the WorldCups

table, we have the information of the Winner team and goal scored.

In WorldCups, there is only row for each year. But in WorldCupMatches, there is a separate

row for each match. This is the perfect example to use blend as here we need to first

aggregate the data from WorldCupMatches table.

Let's establish the blend relationship between these two data sources, on the basis of Country

and Year.

Let's use WorldCups as the primary data source, so add the field from this data source to the

view. Drop Year to Rows and change it discrete. Drop Country and Winner field as well to the


In WorldCupMatches data source, create a calculated field :

Drop this field to the Text, and format it so that it will be shown in percentage.

Out of the given options, only in 1934 host country won the world cup

2010 is the correct answer.

Question 4

Connect to the "WorldBank Data" and use the Development Indicators table. Create a relationship between the avg. birth rate and avg. death rate using scatterplot aggregated at the region level, plot death rate on Y-axis and birth rate on X-axis. Add an exponential trendline and find out how many regions are above the trend line?

Answer : B

After following the steps mentioned in the question your view will look like this:

Here, 5 points are above the exponential trend line.

Question 5

Connect to the "Education" data source. Which college(s) average math, verbal, and writing scores are lesser than the overall 70% percentile in these subjects?

Answer : A, D

Create a bar chart using field college and Math. Change the Math aggregation to AVG.

Drop the Verbal field to Y axis, to create the combined axis chart. And change the aggregation

to Avg.

Follow the same for Writing field.

Now from the Analytics menu, drop the Distribution band to the view, select the scope as

entire table, and select the value as 70 percentiles.

Your view will look like this:

70 percentiles are 547.8

Business and public affairs have all the individual subject values lesser than 547.8.

Question 6

Connect to the "Global Superstore" data source and use the Orders table. Find out how many days in the 4th quarter of 2015 had a profit ratio greater than 25%?

Answer : B

Calculate the Profit Ratio:

Create a LOD expression -> for each order date if profit ratio is greater than 25% returns 1.

Drop the Order date to Rows and drill-down it to Quarters.

Drop the profit ratio >.25 field to Text:

Question 7

Connect to the "Significant Volcano Eruption" data source. Find out the distance between Okmok and Vsevidof volcanoes in Aleutian Island?

Answer : A

Drop the longitude field to Columns and latitude to Rows.

Add Location filter and select Aleutin IS

Drop the Name field to Labels

Your view will look like this:

We need to find in Km so go to Map -> Map options and select Units as Metric

Use the radial selection tool to find out the distance between Okmok and Vsevidof


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Total 108 questions