UiPath-ADPv1 UiPath Automation Developer Professional v1 Exam Practice Test

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Question 1

Review the following graphics:

If the automation is executed and Notepad.exe is not running, which Log Message text value is contained in the Output panel?

Answer : B

The graphics show a UiPath workflow that contains a Try Catch activity with a Type Into activity inside the Try block and a Log Message activity inside the Catch block. The Type Into activity is configured to type ''Typing into Notepad'' into a Notepad window with the selector ''<wnd app='notepad.exe' cls='Notepad' title='Untitled - Notepad' />''. The Log Message activity is configured to log the exception message in the Output panel.

If the automation is executed and Notepad.exe is not running, the Type Into activity will fail to find the target UI element and throw an exception. The exception will be caught by the Catch block and the Log Message activity will log the exception message in the Output panel. The exception message will contain the name of the exception type, which is ApplicationNotFoundException. This exception is thrown when the application that is specified in the selector is not found or not running. Therefore, the Log Message text value that is contained in the Output panel is ApplicationNotFoundException.

The other options are not correct, as they are not the exception type that is thrown by the Type Into activity when the application is not running. Option A is incorrect, because Exception is a generic term for any error or problem that occurs during the execution of a program, not a specific exception type. Option C is incorrect, because Try is not an exception type, but a keyword that marks the beginning of a block of code that may throw an exception. Option D is incorrect, because SelectorNotFoundException is not an exception type, but a possible error message that is displayed when the selector is invalid or does not match any UI element.

Question 2

In UiPath Studio, how can a specific amount of time be subtracted from the current date using DateTime and TimeSpan variables in the VB.NET?

Answer : C

In UiPath Studio, you can use DateTime and TimeSpan variables to store and manipulate date and time values. A DateTime variable represents a specific point in time, such as the current date and time, or a date in the past or future. A TimeSpan variable represents a time interval, such as one hour, two days, or three weeks.

To subtract a specific amount of time from the current date using DateTime and TimeSpan variables in VB.NET, you can use the Add method on the DateTime variable and pass a negative TimeSpan value. For example, if you have a DateTime variable called Today that stores the current date and time, and a TimeSpan variable called Span that stores the time interval you want to subtract, you can write:


This expression returns a new DateTime value that is the result of subtracting the Span value from the Today value. For example, if Today is 2024-02-08 10:51:49 and Span is 1.02:10:04, then the expression returns 2024-02-07 08:41:45.

The other options are not correct ways of subtracting a TimeSpan value from a DateTime value in VB.NET. Option A is invalid, because you cannot multiply a TimeSpan value by a number. Option B is incorrect, because the Subtract method on the DateTime variable returns a TimeSpan value, not a DateTime value. Option D is incorrect, because the Now property is not a method, and it cannot take a TimeSpan value as an argument.

Question 3

Which LINQ method is used to filter data in a List or DataTable based on a condition?

Answer : D

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a feature of .NET that allows you to write queries to manipulate data from various sources, such as arrays, collections, databases, or XML files. LINQ provides a set of methods that can be used to perform different operations on the data, such as filtering, sorting, grouping, aggregating, or transforming.

The LINQ method that is used to filter data in a List or DataTable based on a condition is Where. The Where method returns a new collection that contains only the elements that satisfy the specified condition. The condition is usually a lambda expression or a delegate that takes an element as a parameter and returns a Boolean value. For example, if you have a List of integers called numbers, you can write:

var evenNumbers = numbers.Where (x => x % 2 == 0);

This expression returns a new List that contains only the even numbers from the original List. Similarly, if you have a DataTable called employees, you can write:

var highSalary = employees.AsEnumerable ().Where (row => row.Field<decimal> (\'Salary\') > 100000);

This expression returns a new DataTable that contains only the rows where the Salary column is greater than 100000. The AsEnumerable () method is used to convert the DataTable into an IEnumerable<DataRow>, which is required for using LINQ methods.

The other options are not LINQ methods that are used to filter data in a List or DataTable based on a condition. Option A, Select, is a LINQ method that is used to project or transform data from one form to another. It returns a new collection that contains the result of applying a function to each element of the source collection. Option B, GroupBy, is a LINQ method that is used to group data by a common key or attribute. It returns a new collection that contains groups of elements that share the same key value. Option C, OrderBy, is a LINQ method that is used to sort data in ascending order by a specified criterion. It returns a new collection that contains the elements of the source collection in sorted order.

Question 4

A developer intends to enter text into an input field using a combination of a string and a hotkey. The input action should take place within a hidden or minimized window.

Which input method(s) can be used individually for the Type Into activity?

Answer : D

The Type Into activity has three input methods: Default, Simulate, and Window Messages. The Default method uses hardware drivers to send keystrokes to the target application, which means it requires the window to be active and visible. The Simulate and Window Messages methods use software drivers to send keystrokes to the target application, which means they can work in the background, even if the window is hidden or minimized. However, the Simulate method cannot send hotkeys, while the Window Messages method can. Therefore, the only input methods that can be used individually for the Type Into activity to enter text and hotkeys in a hidden or minimized window are Simulate and Window Messages. Reference:

* Type Into

* Input Methods

Question 5

What actions must be manually selected in the App/Web Recorder before recording a step?

Answer : A

In UiPath's App/Web Recorder, certain actions need to be selected or indicated before they can be recorded. These include:

* Clicking on buttons, links, and other interactive elements.

* Typing text into input fields.

* Selecting or clearing checkboxes.

* Sending keyboard shortcuts.

* Selecting items from drop-down menus.

Based on these common actions that are typically used in UiPath recording, the answer that best fits is:

A) Click on buttons, links, and other clickable elements such as icons or images. Type text in a text area such as a text box. Select or clear a check box. Send keyboard shortcuts using your keyboard. Select an item from a drop-down.

These are the actions that you would manually select or perform during the recording process to automate interactions with a UI.

Question 6

What happens when the area selection feature in the UiPath Computer Vision wizard is used?

Answer : D

The area selection feature in the UiPath Computer Vision wizard is used to indicate a specific region of the screen that you want to work with. It can be activated by clicking the Indicate on screen button in the CV Screen Scope activity or any other Computer Vision activity that requires a target element. The area selection feature allows you to draw a box around the desired area, and then choose an anchor for it. The anchor is a stable UI element that helps locate the target area at runtime.

The area selection feature is helpful when dealing with multiple fields bearing the same label, such as text boxes, check boxes, or radio buttons. In such cases, the Computer Vision engine may not be able to identify the correct field to interact with, or it may return ambiguous results. By using the area selection feature, you can narrow down the scope of the target element and avoid confusion.

The other options are not correct descriptions of the area selection feature. Option A is false, because the selected area is not treated as a single UI element, but as a region that contains one or more UI elements. The Computer Vision engine still analyzes the contents of the selected area and returns the best match for the target element. Option B is false, because the selected area is not automatically resized to fit all UI elements within it. The selected area remains fixed, unless you manually adjust it. Option C is false, because the area selection feature does not create a duplicate UI, nor does it modify the copy in the automation process. The area selection feature only selects a portion of the existing UI, and performs the specified action on it.

Question 7

Which Scraping method should be used for the Get Text activity to capture hidden text from an application?

Answer : B

The Get Text activity in UiPath Studio is used to extract and copy the text from a UI element. It has a property called Scraping method, which allows you to choose the method of scraping text from the target element. The available methods are Default, Text attribute, Full text, and Native.

The Default method tries all the other methods and chooses the best one automatically. The Text attribute method uses the text value of the target element as the output. The Native method uses the native method of the application to scrape the text, and allows formatting and screen coordinates to be retrieved. The Full text method uses an OCR engine to scrape the text, and offers the option to Ignore hidden text, which can be activated by selecting its respective check box.

To capture hidden text from an application, the Full text method with the Ignore hidden text option enabled should be used. This way, the Get Text activity can retrieve the text that is not visible on the screen, but is present in the UI element. For example, this method can be used to get the text from a combo box that has more items than the ones displayed, or from a terminal window that has more editable text than the ones shown.

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