XML I10-003 XML Master Professional Database Administrator Exam Practice Test

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Total 39 questions
Question 1

Assume that a certain XMLDB can be configured to [Simple Validation Mode] when inserting an XML document.

[Simple Validation Mode] checks for (1) through (4) below, and will not insert any non-conforming XML document into the XMLDB.

[Simple Validation Mode] does not check for anything other than (1) through (4) below.

[Simple Validation Mode]

(1) The XML document is a well-formed XML document

(2) No elements or attributes not declared in the XML Schema are present in the XML document

(3) Elements within the XML document follow the number of occurrences (root element (document element) must occur once) defined in the XML Schema

(4) Attributes within the XML document follow the allowed occurrences defined in the XML Schema

Select the correct result of inserting the following [XML Document] via [Simple Validation Mode] when using the [XML Schema] referenced in a separate window.

Answer : A

Question 2

Select which of the following is not a correct description regarding XQuery 1.0 or SOL standards.

Answer : A

Question 3

See separate windows.

Assume you wish to execute an XQuery on [example.xml] (separate window) to obtain [Output Result] (separate window).

Select the correct XQuery to obtain [Output Result],

Each data element of [Output Result] shows the number of data elements for each [example xml] record element having an attribute value equivalent to the condition attribute value.

Answer : B

Question 4

Select which of the following is not a correct description regarding XML Schema data types or constraint definitions for values using restriction of simple types.

Answer : B

Question 5

Assume that you wish to improve the response time when executing the following [XQuery] on a certain XMLDB. Which one of the answers below is not an appropriate point to be checked? Assume that the XMLDB does not have any automated optimization functions related to the answer choices.

Answer : C

Question 6

Select from choices A through C the answer that is included in the result element as the result of executing the [XQuery] on [example.xml] referenced in a separate window. (multiple answers possible) For example, select only "B" if the child element of the result element is "B" only.

Answer : B

Question 7

See separate window.

Assume you wish to execute a query on [example.xml] (separate window) to obtain a record element that includes a data element having a value equal to or greater than 100 and less than 200. Select the correct result of executing the [XQuery] (separate window). The expected result would be "C;" however, the query may not be processed as expected.

Answer : D

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